In the end of the novel, Melinda experiences a sort of "redemption." Describe how her last encounter with Andy Evans shows growth since the start of the novel.


Please write six sentences.

Graded Writing Prompt:

"What did you "get" out of this book? Which parts you like and dislike? 


Please write a full page explaining your reasoning. This will be turned in as a 10 point classwork assignment!


Instructions: In pairs, you will be writing on a white board to answer questions about Marking Period Four.


The first two groups to answer the question the fastest (and correctly!) win points. Remember, I can always ask you to elaborate on an answer if I deem it incomplete.


If you're asked to elaborate THREE times for incomplete answers, your team will sit out for two rounds.









In Biology, what Subject is Mr. Keen reviewing?

What does Melinda watch Andy and Rachel doing after algebra, and how does she react?

where does melinda run to after watching rachel and andy kiss?

What big decision is melinda contemplating in the closet?

What convinces melinda to tell?

How does melinda tell rachel?

When melinda becomes frustrated with her linoleum tree, what does she do with it and how does Mr. Freeman react?

The first time Melinda shared her story was sitting on her roof. How does writing the note show growth since then?

How is melinda's struggle with her tree project symbolic of her growth?

What does melinda do her extra credit project on?

What does david petrakis have to say about her stance for silence?

What does melinda learn from writing about the SUFFRAGETTES, and how is this a turning point for her?

How does andy get melinda's attention when he enters the art room?

When andy asks where rachel is, rachel and ivy walk in. what does ivy notice about Andy?

As melinda stays home sick, she wonders what various talk shows would think about her rape. In general, What advice does she think they'd give her?

In the beginning of the novel, melinda calls her attacker 'it', then beast, the andy evans. When he confronts her in the art room however, she calls him 'it' again. Why does she call him different names from the beginning of the book to the end, depending on the situation?

Why does melinda want to buy seeds?

What does Melinda write on the bathroom wall?

What does heather ask of melinda and what is her response?

How does this response to heather demonstrate growth, make melinda a dynamic character?

Draw a picture of Melinda.

How does Melinda tell Rachel what really happened to her?

How does Rachel's reaction shift? Why is that?

What does melinda notice about the bathroom wall?

Sitting under the tree at her house, how does Melinda feel?

When melinda goes for a bike ride that night, how does she feel?

Melinda rides to a specific place. Where does she go and how does she feel?

What happened at prom?

Melinda decides she doesn't want to hide in the closet anymore and goes in to pack up a few things. Describe what happens next.

With what item from her closet does Melinda defend herself, and how is this symbolic?

Which team comes in to help melinda?

Why is this a huge moment for melinda?

How has melinda's reputation changed at school?

How does melinda's final version of the tree represent her?

DRAW A tree!

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