Full Stack Developer
Auth0 Ambassador
Mozilla Reps Mentor
1. Why Python?
2. Why Flask?
3. Bootstrapping a Flask Application
4. Creating a RESTful Endpoint with Flask
5. Mapping Models with Python Classes
6. Serializing and Deserializing Objects with Marshmallow
7. Dockerizing Flask Applications
8. Securing Python APIs with Auth0
Django is older, more mature, and a little bit more popular.
On GitHub, this framework has around 37k stars, 1.6k contributors, ~200 releases, and more than 16k forks.
On StackOverflow, roughly 1.2% of questions asked in a given month are related to Django.
Flask, although less popular, is not far behind.
On GitHub, Flask has almost 39k stars, ~480 contributors, ~26 releases, and more than 11k forks.
On StackOverflow, up to 0.2% of questions asked in a given month are related to Flask.
Installing Python 3
# To see which version of Python 3 you have installed, open a command prompt and run
$ python3 --version
#If you are using Ubuntu 16.10 or newer, then you can easily install Python 3.6 with
# the following commands
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3.6
# If you’re using another version of Ubuntu (e.g. the latest LTS release), use
# the deadsnakes PPA to install Python 3.6
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3.6
Installing Pip
# we might need to change pip by pip3
$ pip --version
$ curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
$ sudo python3 get-pip.py
$ pip3 --version
# pip 18.0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pip (python 3.5)
Installing Flask
# we might need to replace pip with pip3
$ pip install Flask
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return "Hello, World!"
# flask depends on this env variable to find the main file
export FLASK_APP=hello.py
# now we just need to ask flask to run
flask run
# * Serving Flask app "hello"
# * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Let's create a new directory that will hold our source code.
In this article, we will create Cashman, a small RESTful API that allows users to manage incomes and expenses.
Therefore, we will create a directory called
# dependency manager
$ sudo pip3 install pipenv
# create our project directory and move to it
$ mkdir cashman-flask-project && cd cashman-flask-project
# use pipenv to create a Python 3 (--three) virtualenv for our project
$ pipenv --three
# install flask a dependency on our project
$ pipenv install flask
Let's create our first module on our application.
# create source code's root
mkdir cashman && cd cashman
# create an empty __init__.py file
touch __init__.py
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return "Hello, World!"
# move to the main directory
cd ..
# create the file
touch bootstrap.sh
# make it executable
chmod +x bootstrap.sh
export FLASK_APP=./cashman/index.py
source $(pipenv --venv)/bin/activate
flask run -h
To check that this script is working correctly, we can execute ./bootstrap.sh now. This will give us a similar result to when we executed the "Hello, world!" application.
$ ./bootstrap.sh
# * Serving Flask app "cashman.index"
# * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
cashman-flask-project >
Let's replace the contents of the ./cashman/index.py file with the following:
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
app = Flask(__name__)
incomes = [
{ 'description': 'salary', 'amount': 5000 }
def get_incomes():
return jsonify(incomes)
@app.route('/incomes', methods=['POST'])
def add_income():
return '', 204
# start the cashman application
./bootstrap.sh &
# get incomes
curl http://localhost:5000/incomes
# add new income
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"description": "lottery",
"amount": 1000.0
}' http://localhost:5000/incomes
# check if lottery was added
curl localhost:5000/incomes
Let's create a directory called model inside the cashman module and add an empty file called __init__.py on it.
# create model directory inside the cashman module
mkdir -p cashman/model
# initialize it as a module
touch cashman/model/__init__.py
# inside model directory under cashman
/cashman-flask-project/cashman/model$ touch transaction.py
import datetime as dt
from marshmallow import Schema, fields
class Transaction():
def __init__(self, description, amount, type):
self.description = description
self.amount = amount
self.created_at = dt.datetime.now()
self.type = type
def __repr__(self):
return '<Transaction(name={self.description!r})>'.format(self=self)
class TransactionSchema(Schema):
description = fields.Str()
amount = fields.Number()
created_at = fields.Date()
type = fields.Str()
# installing marshmallow as a project dependency
pipenv install marshmallow
# inside cashman/model/
$ touch income.py
$ sudo pip3 install -U marshmallow --pre
from marshmallow import post_load
from .transaction import Transaction, TransactionSchema
from .transaction_type import TransactionType
class Income(Transaction):
def __init__(self, description, amount):
super(Income, self).__init__(description, amount, TransactionType.INCOME)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Income(name={self.description!r})>'.format(self=self)
class IncomeSchema(TransactionSchema):
def make_income(self, data):
return Income(**data)
# inside cashman/model/
$ touch transaction_type.py
from enum import Enum
class TransactionType(Enum):
# inside cashman/model/
$ touch expense.py
from marshmallow import post_load
from .transaction import Transaction, TransactionSchema
from .transaction_type import TransactionType
class Expense(Transaction):
def __init__(self, description, amount):
super(Expense, self).__init__(description, -abs(amount), TransactionType.EXPENSE)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Expense(name={self.description!r})>'.format(self=self)
class ExpenseSchema(TransactionSchema):
def make_expense(self, data):
return Expense(**data)
Let's replace ./cashman/index.py contents to:
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
from cashman.model.expense import Expense, ExpenseSchema
from cashman.model.income import Income, IncomeSchema
from cashman.model.transaction_type import TransactionType
app = Flask(__name__)
transactions = [
Income('Salary', 5000),
Income('Dividends', 200),
Expense('pizza', 50),
Expense('Rock Concert', 100)
def get_incomes():
schema = IncomeSchema(many=True)
incomes = schema.dump(
filter(lambda t: t.type == TransactionType.INCOME, transactions)
return jsonify(incomes.data)
@app.route('/incomes', methods=['POST'])
def add_income():
income = IncomeSchema().load(request.get_json())
return "", 204
def get_expenses():
schema = ExpenseSchema(many=True)
expenses = schema.dump(
filter(lambda t: t.type == TransactionType.EXPENSE, transactions)
return jsonify(expenses.data)
@app.route('/expenses', methods=['POST'])
def add_expense():
expense = ExpenseSchema().load(request.get_json())
return "", 204
if __name__ == "__main__":
# start the application
./bootstrap.sh &
# get expenses
curl http://localhost:5000/expenses
# add a new expense
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"amount": 20,
"description": "lottery ticket"
}' http://localhost:5000/expenses
# get incomes
curl http://localhost:5000/incomes
# add a new income
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"amount": 300.0,
"description": "loan payment"
}' http://localhost:5000/incomes
Let's create the Dockerfile in the root directory of our project with the following code:
# Using lightweight alpine image
FROM python:3.6-alpine
# Installing packages
RUN apk update
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir pipenv
# Defining working directory and adding source code
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY Pipfile Pipfile.lock bootstrap.sh ./
COPY cashman ./cashman
# Install API dependencies
RUN pipenv install
# Start app
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/src/app/bootstrap.sh"]
Let's execute docker and test our API
# build the image
docker build -t cashman .
# run a new docker container named cashman
docker run --name cashman \
-d -p 5000:5000 \
# fetch incomes from the dockerized instance
curl http://localhost:5000/incomes/
For example, to secure Python APIs written with Flask, we can simply create a requires_auth decorator:
# Format error response and append status code
def get_token_auth_header():
"""Obtains the access token from the Authorization Header
auth = request.headers.get("Authorization", None)
if not auth:
raise AuthError({"code": "authorization_header_missing",
"Authorization header is expected"}, 401)
parts = auth.split()
if parts[0].lower() != "bearer":
raise AuthError({"code": "invalid_header",
"Authorization header must start with"
" Bearer"}, 401)
elif len(parts) == 1:
raise AuthError({"code": "invalid_header",
"description": "Token not found"}, 401)
elif len(parts) > 2:
raise AuthError({"code": "invalid_header",
"Authorization header must be"
" Bearer token"}, 401)
token = parts[1]
return token
def requires_auth(f):
"""Determines if the access token is valid
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
token = get_token_auth_header()
jsonurl = urlopen("https://"+AUTH0_DOMAIN+"/.well-known/jwks.json")
jwks = json.loads(jsonurl.read())
unverified_header = jwt.get_unverified_header(token)
rsa_key = {}
for key in jwks["keys"]:
if key["kid"] == unverified_header["kid"]:
rsa_key = {
"kty": key["kty"],
"kid": key["kid"],
"use": key["use"],
"n": key["n"],
"e": key["e"]
if rsa_key:
payload = jwt.decode(
except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError:
raise AuthError({"code": "token_expired",
"description": "token is expired"}, 401)
except jwt.JWTClaimsError:
raise AuthError({"code": "invalid_claims",
"incorrect claims,"
"please check the audience and issuer"}, 401)
except Exception:
raise AuthError({"code": "invalid_header",
"Unable to parse authentication"
" token."}, 400)
_app_ctx_stack.top.current_user = payload
return f(*args, **kwargs)
raise AuthError({"code": "invalid_header",
"description": "Unable to find appropriate key"}, 400)
return decorated
Then use it in our endpoints:
# Controllers API
# This doesn't need authentication
@cross_origin(headers=['Content-Type', 'Authorization'])
def ping():
return "All good. You don't need to be authenticated to call this"
# This does need authentication
@cross_origin(headers=['Content-Type', 'Authorization'])
def secured_ping():
return "All good. You only get this message if you're authenticated"