CTO, Alfaaz Lingua
Full Stack Developer
Auth0 Ambassador
Mozilla Representative
GDG Ranchi Organizer
1. Common threats in WordPress Login
2. How to fix this?
3. How to fix this with one Plugin?
4. Why choose this approach
5. Passwords should be like Joey
Hackers often use Bots which can try 1000's of passwords in seconds
Don't use passwords with less Entropy
Wordpress runs on Database
it also uses PHP server-side script
it works well to deliver content quickly
But makes your WP site open to URL insertions.
MySQL is the most common Database used
it attracts most Hackers
the default database prefix is wp_
Choose a good password
use W0rdC@mp2k!91lo1lo
having good Password Entropy
more on Passwords in later slides
Update to the latest version of WP
Use sites such as WP Security scan
to find vulnerabilities and fix them
Update to the latest version of PHP
Update plugins. Many vulnerabilities are found in plugins and themes
Change default database prefix
Backup your database
Replace wp_ with wp_{random string}
Install a security plugin.
use advanced tactics such as htaccess password protection
Install the plugin Limit Login Attempts Reloaded.
Install the Inactive Logout plugin.
Login by Auth0 WordPress Plugin
Auth0 WordPress
Auth0 WordPress Plugin GitHub Repo
{okta} WordPress Plugin GitHub Repo
xkcd Password Strength