Sezgi Şensöz
FTK - 30 Haziran 2018
Sezgi Şensöz
Lead Front-End Developer @Protel
First announcement: March 13, 2017
Run in the Expo client
...access to most of the Expo APIs
$ npm i -g create-react-native-app
$ create-react-native-app my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm start
Open Source
Only JavaScript
Run XDE on Mac, Windows, and Linux
FingerPrint | Camera | BarCodeScanner | Location |
Notifications | ImagePicker | Social Logins | Contacts |
Calendar | Audio | Permissions | Brightness |
Admob | FaceDetector | MapView | DeviceMotion |
Localization | Speech | GestureHandler | FileSystem |
and others..
Run your projects before you deploy. Open projects by scanning QR codes or SMS link
"expo": {
"name": "Your App Name",
"icon": "./path/to/your/app-icon.png",
"version": "1.0.0",
"slug": "your-app-slug",
"sdkVersion": "XX.0.0",
"scheme" : "deeplink"
"ios": {
"bundleIdentifier": "com.yourcompany.yourappname",
"supportsTablet": true,
"android": {
"package": "com.yourcompany.yourappname"
exp build:ios
exp build:android
> exp build:ios
[exp] Making sure project is set up correctly...
[exp] Your project looks good!
[exp] Checking if current build exists...
[exp] No currently active or previous builds for this project.
? How would you like to upload your credentials?
(Use arrow keys)
❯ Expo handles all credentials, you can still provide overrides
I will provide all the credentials and files needed, Expo does no validation
$ exp detach
If your Expo project needs a native module that Expo doesn't currently support:
Creates RN app with ExpoKit
- Don't support background code execution (Ex: geolocation, play audio in the background)
But it's in WIP
- Not all iOS and Android APIs are available in Expo (like Bluetooth)
Some of them WIP and also you can detach your app
- need to keep your app size extremely lean, Expo may not be the best choice.
20mb in Android, 33mb in IOS --> :((
But it is WIP :)
We love JavaScript :)
Mobile First & Over 70% usage of Mobile usage
Expo gives us easiest way of mobile development
Feel free to contact: