Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Chiropractic Prevention

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Chiropractors focus on the prevention, diagnosis and conservative treatment of spinal diseases and other painful joint problems. A chiropractor will explain the science behind the chiropractic work and give you a full assessment to see if chiropractic is right for you.


If there is a good fit, we will develop a chiropractic treatment plan specifically tailored to your condition and health goals. When I came to a chiropractic care center, I had an opportunity for the doctor to explain my condition and what treatments and therapies I needed.

Minor side effects such as headaches, fatigue and pain in the part of the body to be treated can occur a few days after adjustment to chiropractic.


Melva Mitchell Gray chiropractor with extensive experience and certification in chiropractic and biophysics, heads up a team of experts at the Chiropractic Health Center in Glendora to provide corrective chiropractic treatments, K-laser therapy, massage therapy, scoliosis management and more to address the underlying causes of symptoms and promote health and vitality throughout the body.

Mainstream health care and government organizations such as the World Health Organisation view chiropractors as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).


Melva Mitchell A study in 2008 found that 31% of chiropractors surveyed classified themselves as CAM, 27% as integrated medicine and 12% as mainstream medicine. Although some chiropractors are doctors with a chiropractic degree, they are not doctors.

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