Melva Mitchell Fort Worth - Fibromyalgia in Chiropractic

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes pain throughout the body, fatigue, and other symptoms. People with fibromyalgia may be more sensitive to pain than those without it. This is known as abnormal pain perception.

Dra Melva Mitchell - For many of these people, conventional treatment is not enough and they must learn to cope with the illness, fatigue and chronic severe pain, often adapting their rhythm and lifestyle to their illness.

As a novelty, and according to the latest results of a 2015 study, it is confirmed that chiropractic is a very effective therapeutic solution to treat fibromyalgia.


It is important to say that the solution that seeks to reduce symptoms or mask the alarm signal that the body gives can not be a long-term solution.

From our point of view and the chiropractic experience we have acquired, when a person has "fibromyalgia" they have several subluxations. The nervous system begins to show various symptoms and ends up exhausted. Many parts of the body are touched without making any sense, it is the typical picture of fibromyalgia.

By adjusting the subluxations, the spine gradually recovers its mobility and the nervous system can function in an orderly way again, that is, the person recovers its optimal state and returns to a normal life.

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth - Daily aches and pains

More than a hundred symptoms are those that make up the diagnosis of fibromyalgia but without a doubt, this is characterized by musculoskeletal pain, continuous fatigue, tingling in the extremities, insomnia, anxiety, loss of mood, memory problems and even disorders various such as intestinal or sexual.

Given such a variety of symptoms, it is difficult to diagnose the disease quickly and it is for this reason that it becomes frustrating for some patients who, despite having so many symptoms, there are no notable abnormalities either by X-ray, MRI or blood tests.

It is for this reason of ambiguous diagnosis that, since 1990, the American College of Rhumatology establishes in a very precise way that fibromyalgia is characterized by diffuse and chronic pain and tender tenderness to the palpation of 11 out of 18 specific points of the body of the patient. Relieve fibromyalgia thanks to chiropractic.

The variety of symptoms of fibromyalgia makes it difficult to treat at times. And it is that, treatment with analgesic or anti-inflammatory drugs can have a positive effect when it comes to alleviating some symptoms such as headaches, but it does not improve others such as chronic fatigue or sleep problems.


Complementary therapies would be valid to relieve patients such as rehabilitation, cognitive therapies or relaxation.

Dr Melva Mitchell - Conventional Treatment

Despite all the possibilities of conventional treatment, many patients are not satisfied and look to chiropractic for a more effective solution for their fibromyalgia.

A recent study published by the medical journal Rheumatology International in July 2015 confirms that chiropractic is becoming increasingly popular in patients suffering from fibromyalgia. The study, which is based on 120 patients, shows that chiropractic treatment when combined with conventional methods achieves better results.

Also, statistics show that chiropractic is very effective. Not only does it alleviate symptoms, but it also significantly improves the quality of life and well-being of patients both in the short and long term.

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Chiropractic

There are many patients who have come to our consultation explaining that the last option to improve their lives was chiropractic, and as you can see with the testimonies they leave us, all the patients are very happy with the result. They can sleep better and wake up with energy and vitality. It has been an incredible change for them.

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