Melva Mitchell Fort Worth negative effects of a poor posture

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth negative effects of a poor posture

If you find that you often feel limp, here are 5 negative effects of a poor posture that motivate you to sit straight.


Melva Mitchell Fort Worth You may have heard that it is best to get up and sit down, but there can be health consequences that can occur if you have a bad attitude.

A bad posture is usually something that develops over time, but if it is not corrected, it can lead to serious negative side effects.


For example, misalignments have been linked to chronic back pain, depression, and even heart disease and stroke.

One of the most common side effects of poor posture is unwanted strain on the upper and lower back.


Although this is not directly related to the front of the head, standing or sitting on one leg throughout the day can lead to hip pain and eventually lower back pain, and too much sitting can have a negative impact on health.

From talking on the phone with your head over your chin to sitting bent over with your back up, what has become your everyday posture can have serious side effects.


Dr Melva Mitchell Fort Worth If you sit in a poor posture, this effect could double or even triple the risk of chronic back pain, depression or stroke.

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