Melva Mitchell Fort Worth The Latest Advances In Spinal Surgery

Dr Melva Mitchell Chiropractic

Back surgery: when is it a good idea?

Back pain is extremely common, and surgery often fails to relieve it. Find out why your back hurts and if surgery could help.


Back surgery can alleviate some of the causes of back pain, but it is not usually necessary. Most back pain resolves on its own after three months.

Low back pain is one of the most common ailments that family doctors see. Back problems often respond to non-surgical treatments, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, heat, and physical therapy.


Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Do you need back surgery?


Back surgery may be an option if conservative treatments have not worked and the pain is persistent and disabling. Predictably, back surgery usually relieves associated pain or numbness that runs down one arm or leg or both.


These symptoms are usually caused by compressed nerves in the spine. Nerves can be compressed for a number of reasons, including:

* Disk problems. Sometimes disc bulges or ruptures (hernias) - the soft pads that separate the bones of the spine - can press too hard against a spinal nerve and affect its function.

It can be very difficult to pin down the exact cause of your back pain, even if the X-rays show you have disc problems or bone spurs. X-rays taken for other reasons often reveal bulging or herniated discs that do not cause symptoms or require treatment.


Many people suffer from back pain, whether it is caused by poor body posture, an injury, or health problems such as herniated discs.


The reality is that, although not all patients with back problems have to undergo surgery to solve these pains, only 500 people are operated on the spine each year at the Zaragoza Clinical Hospital.


Sometimes, these problems can be solved only by maintaining healthy habits, especially in terms of posture, such as:

* Exercise in moderation

* Maintain a healthy weight according to age

* Adopt good body postures

* Controlling stress

* Perform stretching

* Avoid bearing too much weight on the back

How do the specialties of trauma and neurosurgeon combine?

Traumatologists usually take care of the treatment of general joints. The spinal column is a very important part of the pathologies of the patients who come to us and the truth is that part of these treatments is in charge of the Traumatology Units.

Dr Melva Mitchell If there is damage to the spinal cord, is it almost irreparable?

í, unless it is a compressive pathology of a progressive installation such as a benign tumor or a degenerative pathology such as a cervical disc herniation, many times not only do patients not get worse, but they improve with surgery.


Are there professionals from other areas that instead of fixing problems sometimes what they do is multiply them?


With prudence and working each technique, normally you would not have to. It started with Physiotherapy, which is integrated into the Public Health System.

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