Melva Mitchell Fort Worth -What is the difference between a Physical Therapist and a Chiropractor?

Dra Melva Mitchell Chiropractic

Dra Melva Mitchell If you still don't know what the difference is between a physiotherapist and a chiropractor, we will tell you more about each profession, what they do and what the horizon of each is. Choose the most suitable for you!


When deciding the degree you want to study, it is necessary to have as much information as possible and clear up all the doubts you may have. If you are interested in studying a Bachelor of Physiotherapy, it is necessary that you know the difference between other professions that may seem similar, but study different branches of the human body.

What is chiropractic?

According to the World Federation of Chiropractic, chiropractic is the profession dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, based on manual treatments and other joint manipulations.

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth -What does a chiropractor do?

A Bachelor of Chiropractic is a professional who studies a career that is based on the recovery of the body system through interventions at the level of the musculoskeletal and nervous system. Its main characteristic is the high-speed vertebral adjustments: a movement at the joint level that seeks to align the segment again to its functional position. With this technique a decompression is generated at the radicular level in the peripheral nerve, improving the functionality of the nerve and segment worked.


Dra Melva Mitchell What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is the branch of health that is dedicated to alleviating the symptoms caused by chronic or transitory ailments of the human body, not through drugs, but through treatments focused on improving the patient's discomfort, preventing, curing and / or alleviating possible musculoskeletal or postural problems.

What does a physical therapist do?

A physiotherapist is the specialist who offers therapeutic treatment for the various ailments of the human body. He is a health professional who through his knowledge, equipment and exercises is able to alleviate pain, provide movement to certain areas of the body, providing his patients with quality of life. This specialist, although he can recommend, usually does not use pharmacological means, much less surgical methods.


What is the difference between a physical therapist and a chiropractor?

The difference between chiropractors and physical therapists lies in the techniques and means they use to improve the physical condition of their patients. Physical therapy has more areas of work specializations than that of a chiropractor. Currently in the Mexican regulation a physiotherapist is present in the three levels of health and has more and more scientific development.

An example of this is a spinal adjustment; To do this, a high-speed technique must be used that, if not well trained and applied, can generate a greater injury, for this reason the patient is recommended to ensure that the chiropractor is a graduate in his area of ​​knowledge. In complicated cases you could not use this technique such as osteoporosis or pathological bone.


Melva Mitchell Fort Worth -Physiotherapy provides the health professional with a broader training, with more therapeutic resources to be adapted to the person who needs it and without the need to focus the treatment on a single technique.

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