Narrowing Topics

How to take your broad topic and zoom it in for a college academic essay

Start off with your broad topic

  • Medical Testing
  • Racism
  • Law Enforcement
  • Propaganda
  • Immigration
  • Free Speech
  • Sexual Assaults

Zoom in using

  • Current State of Medical Testing
  • Racism in 2020
  • Recent Crises in Law Enforcement
  • Propaganda during Peacetime
  • Immigration in 2020
  • Free Speech in Modern Society
  • Sexual Assaults Today

Zoom in using

  • Current State of US Medical Testing
  • Racism in 2020 America
  • Recent Crises in Local Law Enforcement
  • Foreign Propaganda during Peacetime
  • American Immigration in 2020
  • Free Speech in Modern American Society
  • College Campus Sexual Assaults Today

Zoom in using

  • Current Benefits of US Medical Testing on Animals
  • Racism in 2020 American Educational Systems
  • Recent Crises in Protest Crackdowns by Local LEOs
  • Chinese Twitter Propaganda during the 2020 Elections
  • Effects of Illegal Immigration into the US in 2020
  • Free Speech Restrictions on College Campuses in 2020
  • New Title IX Regulations on Sexual Assaults and Reporting

Repeat Zooming Until You Hit the Sweet Spot

  • Safe for Humans? - United States Law Requires All New Cancer Treatments and Drug Regimens to Be First Tested on Animal Patients
  • Systemic Racism and Its Effects on the American Education System
  • No-Knocks, Tear Gas, Riot Shields, and Unarmed Shootings: The Militarization of Local LEOs and How that Affects Violence Escalation
  • Fake News: The Effects of Political Speech Restrictions, President Trump, and Chinese Propaganda during the 2016 & 2020 Elections
  • Child Separation Protocols - Evidence of Systemic Problems in the American Immigration Pipeline
  • Political Advocacy and Canceling Speakers - Free Speech Restrictions on College Campuses in the Last Five Years
  • Concerns about Revictimizing Sexual Assault Survivors in the New Title IX Cross-Examination Requirements

And that's about where you should be for a paper length of  1700-2000 words (about 5-7 pages)

Yes. Really. You can write 5 to 7 pages about any one of those very narrow focal points with the right research and support to back you up.

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