Mervi Sepp, PhD
Client focused construction
Data gathering key - client number in NPS file
Python codes to collect data from relevant fields in different files with client number as the search criteria
Cross tabulation of data in Excel
Client active in multiple channels- NPS used in all active channels
Client has multiple open connections/buys multiple products - NPS used in all relevant connections
Juunior | kuni 25 a | 26-59 a | alates 60 a |
Banking average 20 NPS Benchmark Charts, Satmetrix, March 2010
29% active in at least two channels
#1 Branch office&Internetbank
#2 Branch office&Webpage
NPS of exclusive channel use vs double with branch office
SEB NPS 23, Branch NPS ~35
Branch NPS higher than whole Bank NPS
Inernetbank analysis - free advice
NPS varies more in channels than in products
The key is better integration of different channels - the clients use them together