Risk Assessment

The locations that we are using are fairly safe areas with little chance of being hurt.



  • Bathroom
  • The Forest
  • The Underpass
  • Drama Studio


The camera and water: The actor is going to splash his face with water and we need to be careful that no water comes into contact with the camera because it could cause the camera to break or explode.  To prevent this from happening we should always wear the camera strap when we can, or just be super careful when the camera in on the tripod.



The Forest

Twigs/ Branches: Being aware of twigs hanging off trees is important so that it doesn't hit any of the group members in the face. Also making sure everyone is watching where they are walking in case they trip over a twig/branch because they could twist their ankle. The person holding the camera needs to be extra cautious.  To prevent this from happening we will just be extra cautious and careful when in the forest.

Darkness: We need to be careful if we visit the forest in the dark because we will have limited vision and could get lost and disorientated. Making sure we go at appropriate times is important. 



The Underpass

Litter: There tends to be a lot of litter lying around near the underpass, so just making sure it isn't in shot and that we aren't tripping over it.  To prevent this from happening we will just be wary when filming, or move any of the litter out the way. 

Cyclist: Checking for cyclist is important as we don't want to collide into them as this could cause harm. We will bring lights to let people know that we are filming.




The Drama Studio

The lights: Making sure that we know how to use the light effectively is important because the bright lights could hurt someones eyes. We will get the teacher to show us how to use it. 

The curtain: Making sure that the curtain hasn't got anything caught in it because it is quite a heavy curtain. Just checking it before using it. 





  • The main character needs contact lenses, a suit and a 'DRINK ME' bottle and liquid in it.
  • The angel needs to have all white clothing.


The Main Character's Props


Contact Lenses: Before we buy these we should check that the actor is able to use them. We need to remember to take them out as soon as possible when we have finished filming with them otherwise it could cause eye problems for the actor. Washing hands before and after use to prevent blindness or an eye infection. We should also follow the instructions on the box.

The 'Drink Me' bottle and liquid: The liquid is just going to be black food coloring mixed with water.  The actor isn't going to actually swallow the liquid, but we are going to make it look like he will. He will just spit it into the sink when we are finished with it. We need to make sure that the bottle doesn't smash, so to prevent this we will just keep it on a steady surface.




The Angel

Ballet Shoes/Pumps: Ballet shoes/pumps are very thin and can be flimsy. This means that the Angel need to be careful of what is on the floor in case she step on a pin and it goes through her shoe. To avoid this, the Angel should bring shoes to put over her ballet shoes or just change into ballet shoes when she gets on set.



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