Client Services

What is it?

A support team for all the user interface platforms!

  • Front end team(s)
  • Mobile team(s)
  • Wordpress
  • Any future clients

Who is it?

  • Mike Elliott - Engineering Manager
  • Cory Brown - Staff Engineer
  • Somebody in the future - Senior Engineer (probably)

What do we do?

  • Maintain and govern client, client-support and infrastructure projects that don't belong to a specific product team
    • Base React Components
    • Sitewide stuff like header, etc
    • Node services!
    • Orphaned features or fixes that can't find home
    • Some internal apps (enterprise tools, maybe others)
  • Act as liaison between the client org/architecture and the rest of engineering and product
  • Help with training, direction, and architecture decisions & discussions on client teams
  • Work with YOU

What DON'T we do?

  • Gatekeep
  • Pass down ivory tower or dictatorial architecture decisions to other teams
  • Implementation of product features, including in services we own and maintain
  • Ignore your concerns and requests

What's already been done

(thanks to the whole FEE team)

  • Base React Components Resurrection
  • Progress on Node proxies, switching to express
  • OTM - sharable, composable, embeddable features
  • Lots of documentation, some improved logging
  • Sitewide stuff (404 page, header fixes, design backlog)
  • SPA-ification of most of the web front end
  • Communicating with many of you about what we are doing and how we're doing it
  • The creation of the Client Services team in the org
  • Business case on API aggregate gateway
  • Spikes on API aggregate gateway
  • Basically the past 18 months of standardization and quality controls, "fixing" our architectures

Current state of the clients

Current state of the clients

Short term goals

(Estimated 4-6 weeks)

  • One True Marketplaceā„¢ shipped (not us, but a dep)
  • Unify other duplicated work modeled after OTM (including extending Base React Components and unifying discrepencies with Ent_web)
  • Replace Hapi with Express in Pipsqueak
  • Identify the pieces of the clients' Node servers that can be pulled out
  • Initialize a "New Thing" codenamed Singer - API aggregate gateway - in integration hitting endpoints
    • Using Apollo Server Graphql and Apollo Engine/Platform (and later, likely, Apollo Client)
      • JS vs. TS
    • Researched Gloo & Sqoop, other graphql server solutions (gql-yoga, gql-express)

Medium term goals

(Estimated 2-3 months)

  • Initialize, provision, and ship "Singer"
  • Implement Auth in Singer
  • Implement CTA widget as a guinea pig for Singer's first milestone
  • Start OTM as next Singer milestone
  • Define proper client boundaries aligned with product goals
    • Establish the ideas of Marketplace, Credit Reports, and/or however product defines it's "solutions" as concepts with clear boundaries
  • Starve the clients' coupled servers (pip, ent_web)Ā 
    • Get the extracted pieces into Singer or wherever they really belong

Long term goals

(Ideally within 6-8 months, now we're getting weird though)

  • Implement schema stitching and "graduation" logic between 1st & 3rd party services in Singer
  • Get each client decoupled from respective servers, replaced by the single Singer endpoints
  • Segregate client code bases by sensible boundaries, and keep them client-only (need product help with this!)
    • Abolish the ideas of pipsqueak, enterprise_web, and nav_web as concepts
  • Grow this team
  • ... Profit! (for real though)

The future

The future we want

But why?

  1. To end duplicating work and features across different delivery mechanisms and 1st/3rd parties
  2. To remove our big centralized full-stack code bases as single points of failure - flexibility with deploys and better parallelization of product work
  3. To have 1st party experimentation via Singer, 3rd party gets stable code, all shared, composable, embeddable
  4. To create a unified API aggregate gateway for clients (lots of us have been talking about this for a long time)
  5. To remove server-side & proxy hurdles on client projects - this is a massive win for the front end team(s) and adequately separates concerns
  6. To create flexibility in code & feature organization, directly allowing scalability in team organization
  7. To decrease burn rate by increasing efficiency

Remember before K8s?





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