# Arguments are data.frame, then comma separated column names
my_cols <- select(df, col1, col2, col3)
# Arguments are data.frame, then comma separated boolean operators
my_rows <- filter(df, col1 > col2, col2 < col3, col4 == "hello")
# Arguments are data.frame, then comma separated sorting columns
sorted_df <- arrange(df, col1, desc(col2))
# Arguments are data.frame, then comma separated new columns
new_df <- mutate(df, combined = col1 + col2, diff = col1 - col2)
credit: Nathan Stephens, Rstudio
# Select storm and pressure columns from storms dataframe
storms <- select(storms, storm, pressure)
credit: Nathan Stephens, Rstudio
# Filter down storms to storms with name Ana or Alberto
storms <- filter(storms, storm %in% c('Ana', 'Alberto')
credit: Nathan Stephens, Rstudio
# Add ratio and inverse ratio columns
storms <- mutate(storms, ratio = pressure/wind, inverse = 1/ratio
credit: Nathan Stephens, Rstudio
# Arrange storms by wind
storms <- arrange(storms, wind)
credit: Nathan Stephens, Rstudio
# Make a data.frame
students <- data.frame(
names=c('Mason', 'Tabi', 'Bryce'),
math_exam1 = c(91, 82, 93),
math_exam2 = c(88, 79, 77),
spanish_exam1 = c(79, 88, 92),
spanish_exam2 = c(99, 92, 92)
# Select students + math grades
math_grades <- select(students, names, math_exam1, math_exam2)
# Better yet!
math_grades <- select(students, names, contains("math"))
# See also: starts_with, ends_with, matches
# Make a data.frame
students <- data.frame(
names=c('Mason', 'Tabi', 'Bryce'),
math_exam1 = c(91, 82, 93),
math_exam2 = c(88, 79, 77),
spanish_exam1 = c(79, 88, 92),
spanish_exam2 = c(99, 92, 92)
# Why is this useful?
exam_of_interest <- 'math_exam1'
exam_grades <- select_(students, 'names', exam_of_interest)
# Compute values of interest
mean_math1 = mean(math_exam1),
mean_math2 = mean(math_exam2),
mean_math_scores=mean((math_exam1 + math_exam2) / 2)
# Compute values of interest
num_students = n()
# Reshape students from wide to long format (just FYI)
varying <- c('math_exam1', 'spanish_exam1', 'math_exam2', 'spanish_exam2')
students_long <- reshape(students,
v.names = 'score',
direction="long") %>% arrange(names, score)
credit: Nathan Stephens, Rstudio
# Group the pollution data.frame by city for comparison
pollution <- group_by(pollution, city)
credit: Nathan Stephens, Rstudio
# Group the pollution data.frame by city for comparison
pollution <- group_by(pollution, city) %>%
mean = mean(amount, na.rm = TRUE),
sum = sum(amount, na.rm = TRUE),
n = n()
# These could be different!
joined_x_y <- left_join(x, y, by='identifier')
joined_y_x <- left_join(x, y, by='identifier')
# Join x and y by 'identifier'
joined <- left_join(x, y, by='identifier')
# Student majors
majors <- data.frame(
student_id=c(1, 2, 3),
major=c('sociology', 'math', 'biology')
# Student contact info
contact_info <- data.frame(
cell=c('382-842-5873', '593-254-5834')
# Left join
joined <- left_join(majors, contact_info, by='student_id')
# Order matters!
joined <- left_join(contact_info, majors, by='student_id')