Making HTML manipulation easier
JavaScript library
DOM Manipulation
Event handling
Ajax calls (getting data)
Include in HTML
Start using jQuery
<script src=""></script>
// Select my-div
// Better yet
Pure JavaScript
//get a particular element by id
var elem = document.getElementById('element-id');
//get all elements with a given tag name
var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
Pure jQuery
//get a particular element by id
var elem = $('#element-id');
//get all elements with a given tag name
var elems = $('a');
Pure JavaScript
//add target=_blank to all links in all sections
var idxSec, idxLink, links;
var sections = document.getElementsByTagName('section');
for (idxSec = 0; idxSec < sections.length; ++idxSec) {
links = sections[idxSec].getElementsByTagName('a');
for (idxLink = 0; idxLink < links.length; ++idxLink) {
links[idxLink].setAttribute('target', '_blank');
Pure jQuery
//add target=_blank to all links in all sections
$('section a').attr('target', '_blank');
Select element
$('selector') // generic
$('#my-div') // by id
$('div') // by type
$('.my-class') // by class
$('.class1, .class2') // multiple classes
$('') // All divs with class my-class
$('tr:odd') // Odd <tr> elements
Open this up in another tab, and inspect the element, then:
Select element
Get attribute
$('#my-svg').attr('height') // height of svg
$('#my-p').css('font-size') // css properties
$('#my-div').text() // text in div
$('input').val() // value of input
Set attribute
$('#my-svg').attr('height', '400px')
$('p').css('font-size', '20px')
$('#my-input').val('input value')
$('#my-div').text('The new text')
var myFunc = function() {
return arguments.length
myFunc() // returns 0
myFunc(1,2,3) // returns 3
Functions have a default
myObj = {
setProp:function() {
if(arguments.length == 0) {
return this
else if (arguments.length == 1) {
return this[arguments[0]]
else {
this[arguments[0]] = arguments[1]
return this
Make your page responsive
Clicking (click, dblclick)
Hover (Mouseover, Mouseout)
Keyboard(keydown, keyup, keypress)
Select element(s)
Assign event listener
$('selector').action(function() {
// here's where you do stuff
$('selector').on('action', function() {
// here's where you do stuff
Remember this
$('selector').action(function() {
$(this) // selects the element that was acted upon
Built in techniques for animation
Write your own!
left: '250px',
opacity: '0.5',
height: '150px',
width: '150px'
}, 1500);
"Application Programming Interface"
Protocols, tools for building software
Exposes components (data) in specified formats
Allows web queries of content
Incident data API
Asynchronous data request
var data;
type: "get",
success:function(dat) {
data = dat
// Do something with your data!
Used to get/push data from servers/databases
Powerful DOM manipulation
Event handling
Ajax calls (getting data)