# Given a 10% probability, simulate 1000 people getting the flu
people <- rbinom(n = 1000, size = 1, prob = .2)
# Generate a normal distribution of grades for 20 students
grades <- rnorm(20, mean = 80, sd = 10)
# Get the eye color for 100 people: blue, green, or hazel
colors <- c('blue', 'green', 'hazel')
eye_colors <- sample(colors, 100, replace = TRUE)
There is a very long, straight highway with some number of cars (N) placed somewhere along it, randomly. The highway is only one lane, so the cars can’t pass each other. Each car is going in the same direction, and each driver has a distinct positive speed at which she prefers to travel. Each preferred speed is chosen at random. Each driver travels at her preferred speed unless she gets stuck behind a slower car, in which case she remains stuck behind the slower car. On average, how many groups of cars will eventually form? (A group is one or more cars traveling at the same speed.)
For example, if the car in the very front happens to be slowest, there will be exactly one group — everybody will eventually pile up behind the slowpoke. If the cars happen to end up in order, fastest to slowest, there will be N groups — no car ever gets stuck behind a slower car.
# Simulate 100 cars w/mean speed 50
cars <- rnorm(n = 100, mean = 50, sd = 5)
# A function to determine if a car is slower than all of the cars
# in front of it (which createa a new group of cars **behind** it)
slower_than <- function(index) {
return(cars[index] < min(cars[1:index - 1]))
# Apply the slower_than function to all of the cars
new_group <- lapply(2:length(cars), slower_than)
# Simulate 100 cars w/mean speed 50
cars <- rnorm(n = 1000, mean = 50, sd = 5)
# A function to determine if a car is slower than all of the cars
# in front of it (which createa a new group of cars **behind** it)
slower_than <- function(index) {
return(cars[index] < min(cars[1:index - 1]))
# Apply the slower_than function to all of the cars
new_group <- lapply(2:length(cars), slower_than)
# Determine number of groups created
groups <- length(new_group[new_group == TRUE]) + 1
simulate_groups <- function() {
# Simulate 100 cars w/mean speed 50
cars <- rnorm(n = 1000, mean = 50, sd = 5)
# A function to determine if a car is slower than all of the cars
# in front of it (which createa a new group of cars **behind** it)
slower_than <- function(index) {
return(cars[index] < min(cars[1:index - 1]))
# Apply the slower_than function to all of the cars
new_group <- lapply(2:length(cars), slower_than)
# Determine number of groups created
groups <- length(new_group[new_group == TRUE]) + 1
items <- 1:10
# Loop through each element in your vector `items`
for(i in items) {
print(2*i) # i takes on the identity of each element in the vector `items`
repeat_simulation <- function(num_sims) {
# Create an empty vector to store your results
results <- vector()
# Run your simulation 100 times, and track your results
for(i in 1:num_sims) {
results <- c(results, simulate_groups())
# Work with your results
simulate_groups <- function(mean, sd, num_cars) {
# Simulate 100 cars w/mean speed 50
cars <- rnorm(n = num_cars, mean = mean, sd = sd)
# A function to determine if a car is slower than all of the cars
# in front of it (which createa a new group of cars **behind** it)
slower_than <- function(index) {
return(cars[index] < min(cars[1:index - 1]))
# Apply the slower_than function to all of the cars
new_group <- lapply(2:length(cars), slower_than)
# Determine number of groups created
groups <- length(new_group[new_group == TRUE]) + 1
# Create UI
# UI for the traffic simulation
titlePanel('Traffic Simulation'),
# Controls
sliderInput("num_cars", "Number of Cars:",
min = 10, max = 1000, value = 100, step = 10),
sliderInput("num_sims", "Iterations of Simulation",
min = 10, max = 1000, value = 100, step= 10),
sliderInput("speed", "Average Speed",
min = 10, max = 150, value = 40, step= 5),
sliderInput("deviation", "Speed Deviation",
min = 1, max = 20, value = 5, step= 1)
# Render plot
# Run the traffic simulation
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$histogram <- renderPlot({
num_sims = input$num_sims,
mean = input$speed,
sd = input$deviation,
num_cars = input$num_cars