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Interesting Facts

  • Approximately one-third of people over 65 years of age are affected by disabling hearing loss.
  • 82% of people living with blindness are aged 50 and above.

Accessibility timeline





New public websites and web content must conform with WCAG 2.0 Level A

All public websites and web content posted after January 1, 2012, must conform with WCAG 2.0 Level AA.


  1. You don’t have to modify content posted before 2012
  2. You don’t have to make your internal website accessible. 



What is ARIA?

ARIA (Assistive Rich Internet Applications), is a spec from the W3C and created to improve accessibility of applications by providing extra information to screen readers via HTML attributes. Out of the box, screen readers work with regular HTML, but adding ARIA can provide screen reader users with more context and greater interactivity with content.


ARIA has no effect on how elements are displayed or behave in browsers. It does not add new functionality and is meant to act only as an extra descriptive layer for screen readers.

How do we use ARIA?

Bootstrap tab list

Current Bootstrap code

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ARAI improved code

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