Citizenship Project:

Article 22

What are we going to talk about?

1. Article 22

2. What Social Security has to do

2.2 Did it cover those things?

3. Will you give a part of your social security rights in order to give them to other people?

4. Cases where the article is unremeed

5. Resources of information

What does the article says?

Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, though national effort and international cooperation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. "

What we think that social security has to do:

  • Economic help for unemployment people.

  • Give the right conditions to have a good job search.

  • Give basic health assistant for everyone.

  • Give a retirement pension to every retired employee.

  • Give basic health to people that are going to travel around Europe.

Did the social security cover those things?

  • Economic help for unemployment people:

    • The social security give you the economic help if you are registered as job seekers for one month.

  • Give the right conditions to have a good job search:

    • They give you the opportunity as a employer to publish a work offer on an employment office.

  • Give basic health assistant for everyone:

    • They shall be considered to have medical help if you have several requirements of the Social Security as being employed or being recipient benefits.

  • Give a retirement pension to every retired employee:

    • In 2016, if you've worked 36 years you can have this retirement pension at the age of 65. But this is going to increase on 2027 and It'll require you to have 38 years worked.

  • Give basic health to people that are going to travel around Europe:
    • If you want to you can have an "European Social Security Card" but this is only applied if you're working at the moment.

What does the social security has to do to recognise those rights?

To recognise those rights we think that they have to preserve a part of the budget to new employment ideas such as courses and other economic rights to pay first need things.


We think too that they have to make collaboration between the different parts that compose the social security and that they have to promote ideas that will help everyone without looking at their nationality or other related things.

How much will you give of your social security rights to benefits other people?

I will renounce most of my rights if other people could receive benefits because they need it urgently because of their economic needs. "

 I will renounce to a part of my rights if other people could receive benefits because I know that many people will need it more than me "

Cases in which this article is unredeemed

Social Security in the US

As you know, Social Security in our country and in many ones include health assistant which in our country supposedly covers basic assistant for everyone.


But in the US not everyone has health assistant recognised in their health policies and funds.


Some group of people could not afford to pay the amount of money that it costs and their system of public health is based on contracts with private insurance companies.

S. Security in Romania

No restrictions may be placed on the
exercise of the right to freedom of association
other than those which are necessary in a democratic society. Romania broke this article because some people aren't be free in the democratic society.

Resources of information


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