By Mikayla Schroeder
6 Pints of Milk
Clean Pot
1 tablespoon of Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
1 tablespoon of Salt
LifeHacker. (August 17, 2011) Are you throwing out milk to early?
This Article describes guidelines of checking to see how long milk will last as well as others ways to checking if it is spoiled.
Zeenews. (August 26, 2011) Tips that come in handy in kitchen
This article states that adding baking soda will help prevent milk from spoiling.
Home And Family (N/A) Keeping Milk and Cream Fresh
This article describes what casues milk to spoil, as well as ways of preventing it from
Wish She (Febuary 24, 2010) How to Prevent Milk from Spoiling
This article states adding baking soda to milk will help it from spoiling.\
Home Food Safety (N/A) Keep Your Dairy and Egg Products Safe
This article describes different containers effecting the lifespan of your milk.
WedMD (N/A) What Milk Can Do For You
This Article describes the benefits of having milk in your diet.