10 Fundamental Principles of an Ideal Website Design

The foremost thing that captivates the visitor’s attention to your website is its user interface. Web designers often call it front end development. No matter how unique & eye-catching website design you plan to offer to your visitors, they’ll ultimately favor usability over aesthetics. Following this, search engine protocols also suggest the application of user-friendly web designs from time to time. The famous Mobilegeddon Update introduced by Google in 2015 is a perfect example to consider.


Websites created with a user-centric design in mind usually do fantastic on the search engine rankings. Because they are comparatively quicker to get potential online traffic. For this reason, the website owners consistently aim at bringing innovative user-friendly features to remain on the visitor’s list of favorites. Following this, you might raise questions like how to build a perfect user-friendly website. The answer is simple. Understand what visitors want.

In this article, we want you to get a detailed insight into the important principles that together contribute to a considerable website design, that you dream of. But before that, why not have a quick overview of the visitor’s thoughts about a website design? Visitors generally don’t complain about or ask for a change in the website design. You have to figure it out understanding the visitor’s point of view & his actions. Let’s have a detailed discussion on this.


What Common Traits Visitors Have?


Visitor thoughts help you to create an effective user interface for your website. Some of them visit your website for a specified reason and don’t want to waste their time. Another group of visitors reaches you to get information about a particular subject. It depends upon the nature & category of your website. If you’re running a food blog, you won’t lose a particular group of cooking enthusiasts.

But to get more visitors, you have to introduce a website design that could make them read more. The enlisted traits of internet users & visitors will provide you a clear understanding of the whole context.


  • Internet Users Don’t Make Serious Choices


Internet surfers don’t waste too much time searching for a product, service, or information on a single website. They usually take 2-3 minutes on one website. After that, they either stay or leave. Through an e-commerce website could hold them for quite a long time, it must feature a variety of products to provide for the visitor’s interest. Remember, if the web users immediately find their goal on your web page, it’s most probably a call to action.


  • The Users Approach Instant Satisfaction

This is one of the most common characteristics that remain unchanged for a variety of visitors your website encounters. Whether online shopping freaks or anxious information seekers, everyone looks for instant satisfaction. Where shopping freaks want to review the latest offers & discounts, readers often expect a window with the latest blogs on your landing page.


  • Never Compromise on Quality & Reliability


Internet users often don’t like to explore through a tricky user interface. They want their buyer’s journey to be a sober one so that they could reach their destination soon. They need to build trust around your offers through each click. Talking about the content, the users make sure if your content is genuine or copied. The color scheme of your blog page could really make a difference.

Also, in case you’re running an e-commerce website, you must understand that the visitors want total control over their buying decisions. Shopping customization is a perfect example of this.


10 Principles to Create a Perfect Web Design


Now as you’ve got through an initial understanding of the internet user’s thinking, you may decide on various aspects of your website design. Here are the 10 important principles that will guide you throughout the journey:


1. Capture User Attention


The story mainly revolves around the user's attention. Bringing simplicity in the user interface doesn’t mean you don’t need to care about the shape, size, color scheme & graphic ornamentation of your web pages.

Moreover, you need to make sure that your aesthetical presentation must cope up with the category of your products & services.


2. Add Innovative Features


If you could make the user experience more fun & engaging on your website, there’s no other definition of innovation for you. For example, if your visitor faces a problem looking for a complementary good associated with a primary product, you could place an add-on option on the same page. The consumer won’t feel a waste of time kind of situation.


3. Serve to the User Patience


Your website visitors are not impatient all the time. If they’ve decided to explore further on your web page, give them time.

A lot of website owners do such mistakes where they try to change the visitor's research to a potential buying decision by adding unnecessary Call to Action (CTA) set up in the form of internal links. The visitor shouldn’t think you’re pushing your goods & services on him.


4. Don’t Confuse the User


Your web page should be clear & to the point. You need to capture the attention of the user and hold it for some while. The user automatically starts enjoying your content if he or she doesn’t get confused by any part of your web page structure. Coming back to content, you have to carefully decide on your web page ads. Reading enthusiasts often find it annoying & awful.


5. Never Overlook Simplicity

Remember that your website’s user interface could accept innovation but not complications. Let’suppose you offer an online contest to the users through your e-commerce website, keep it genuine & completely user friendly, so that one of your visitors could win that contest right away and you get a fine hook to reach more. Your visitors will start building trust in your offers.


6. Get An AI Support


The budding internet users often expect quick answers to their basic queries, especially those who want to begin with an online operational tool. To build a reputable website providing that tool, you should definitely approach AI support. You must tell your web designers to display that AI support system on every important web page to effectively assist your visitors.

7. Make Use of Conventions


Many of you may consider it a boring aspect that could make your website look like a jail. But believe it or not, following certain website protocols make you shine among the smart internet users. It depicts your overall credibility & reliability before a variety of visitors. Your conventional efforts could also attract renowned investors to establish a partnership in the future.


8. Leave Out Some White Space


The next idea also promotes the importance of simplicity. Leaving an adequate amount of white space on each web page lowers the burden on the reader’s mind. If you have a long content structure to represent to your visitors through your blog, designing an over-stuffed page could really piss them off.

9. No Compromise on Effective Writing


Designing and writing are best friends. The reader pays equal attention to the piece of information along with the design. If you’re unable to deliver effective content to the visitor, he might doubt your credibility. Additionally, good writing skills enhance your website designing efforts.


10. Conduct Frequent Tests


Frequent testing of your website’s user interface tells you about the major drawbacks in the usability of your website. Designers often call it the Test Early Test Often (TETO) principle. You not even need to consult your website visitors as it will be too irrelevant to ask one by one. There are millions of web visitors out there.

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