Eleventy Static Site Generator: Migrate your WordPress Data

Except for WordPress and other corresponding CMS, creating websites with other tools & techniques could be a challenging approach. However, you can’t rely on WordPress too for everything. WordPress has indeed brought a revolution into the world of website creation & maintenance but there are lots of web designer & developer requirements that the CMS is unable to fulfill. There you have to go for more technical aspects. Static Site Generators also come under such technical aspects and require intermediate HTML & JavaScript skills on your part to migrate your website from WordPress.


In this topic, you will learn about the Eleventy Static Site Generator (SSG) technique through which you can migrate your WordPress Website for enhanced customization & personalization support. But do you really need to alter your website regarding customization & similar reasons? We’ll find out in this post. We will discuss why & why not you should go for a static site generator like Eleventy.

Moreover, we’ll suggest a step-by-step guide through which you can migrate your WordPress site to Static Generator.


However, first, let us give you a little introduction about our services. SFWP Experts is a popular Wordpress website design company based in San Francisco. Our dedicated Custom Coded WordPress Web Designing Experts are skilled enough to create incredible solutions for your website building concerns whether modern or traditional!


About Static Site Generator


Before migrating let’s decode a Static Site Generator (SSG). You don’t need to go far enough, the answer resides in the term itself. Let’s understand what a static site is. A static website follows the traditional methodology of website creation in which the use of HTML & CSS Languages is generally practiced.

Though you can apply such practices on your WordPress Website as well, a Static Site Generator (SSG) generally offers you a set of tools & techniques with the help of which you can create HTML Files & Pages and help yourself get rid of modern database maintenance & server-side rendering.


On the other hand, dynamic websites don’t need to employ such site generators as they use advanced server technologies like PHP. Coming back to static site generators, there are certain pros & cons to have to understand before making your decision for corresponding migration. Here’s why you should & shouldn’t go for Static Site Generator:


Why should you go for an SSG?


- If you want to build a static website & are not user-oriented

If you want to expand your knowledge about non-programming web creation

- If you want to represent only what you want through your website

- If you’re not concerned much about the user actions & response regarding your website content & information


Why shouldn't you go for an SSG?


- If you want to stay updated to the modern website building approach

- If you’re not much into learning purpose but the business outcome you’re expecting from your online presence

- If you’re looking for easy design updates

- Looking for more flexibility of data

- Looking for simple content updates

For more information regarding your decision to migrate to Static Site Generators, you can consult designing & development experts at SFWP Experts. Our groundbreaking Custom Coded WordPress Design & Development Services are exactly what you’re looking for regarding the improvement of your online business & appearance!


Migrate your WordPress Website with Eleventy SSG


Now let’s move on to the process of migration of your WordPress Website. If you’re ready to go with a static approach you can easily change your ways & ideas to the traditional one. There are other notable SSG Tools available in the market like Gatsby, Jekyll, & Hugo, etc for differentiated support. You can consult an expert to decide on which SSG technique you can poke. Talking about the Eleventy SSG Tool, you can follow these steps to perform a migration:

1. Create your Website Idea In the beginning, you have to create an idea of your new website identity. For that, you can take the help of Eleventy’s starter projects. You have to see it as your new project repository & name it something. Then you have to deploy the same Netlify that is a serverless backend service provider and offers your static website a specific kind of hosting support. Netlify further consists of the Netlify CMS & Forms for further designing support. After that, you have to like your Netlify to Github for dedicated software development & naming your repository to save & deploy if further.


2. Safeguard your WordPress Pages, Visuals & Content The approaching step is to safeguard your WordPress content for further application on your new website habitat. What you have to do is nowhere related to copy & pasting. That won’t be anyway a smart step. However, WordPress has something to support you regarding the same.

You can make use of its potential Export Function to get a zip file containing an XML of all your WordPress content data. There are two options available regarding your WordPress content export: - Export Content (that represents information mainly in the text form from your pages, feedbacks & posts) - Export Media Library (this function allows you to export all your videos, images, audios, GIFs & Infographics, etc from your WordPress site) You have to extract all that information using the XML extract of your files. This may require some technical procedures that you can perform yourself or consult experienced technicians before jumping to the next segment.


3. Embed Images & Visuals Extracting & putting text content in the approaching website is quite simple but you may have to go through certain technical functionalities in case of adding images to your new web pages. You have to approach your “.eleventy.js file” to reorganize your static image assets. Consider all your Hero Images & assign a reference to the same present in the front matter section.

Furthermore, you can also rearrange your page layouts using your eleventy folder. For video segments, you can embed a YouTube player with the help of a plugin called “Eleventy-Plugin-Youtube-Embed” and enhance your web page content.


4. Create your Collection Based Page A collection-based page is a solution to website content updates on your homepage they used to be residing in your WordPress website homepage. Basically, your website homepage consists of this sort of website content. There’s a segment for the latest posts, a segment for news or updates, etc. You can create an “events.MD file” in the page directory & add your foremost events you want to make a collection of regarding your homepage updates. SSG enables you to add specified Titles, Descriptions & Date in this context.

5. Optimize Site Design & Publish When you’re done with your website pages, events, hero images & contact form you have to proceed to added design optimization & improvements. As there’s no place for pre-installed themes & drag & drop supported layouts you can do whatever you want with your website design. You can even practice responsiveness in design for user-convenient styling. The story isn’t over. You’ve got to exhibit your efforts & operations at the end. After all, ROI isn’t just limited to financial investment. However, you don’t have to do anything specific. Your website updates to GitHub automatically publish out your work in the HTML.


Closing Thought


Creating a Static Website could benefit you in multiple ways, but you have to see your priorities first. You have to identify your drawbacks amid using a Static Site Generator too.

The concern is not of investment but your precious time & efforts. At SFWP Experts we try to focus on lowering down your web designing & development challenges so that you can concentrate on your business objectives more. Let us know if we could help you somehow with your Custom Website Designing & Development campaigns. We’re happy to help!!


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