Top 6 Mistakes To Avoid While Designing Web Forms

Creating a New Web Form


What are the mistakes that you should not make while building a web form?


The web forms are known as an integral part of the web design. Through web forms you can store the information of your potential customers in a very easy way. But if the design of your web form looks complicated or hard to navigate, your visitors might abandon the page and switch to other websites. This way you could miss an opportunity to acquire new customers and the conversion rate of your website might decrease. When designers create the web forms, they need to consider the user experience that the web form might deliver to its visitors. If a web form requires to pay great attention while filling it, there is a higher chance that people might skip it and look for other easier web forms.

It is high time to look at your web form from a typical user’s approach and find out the elements that turns them off. Make changes to those elements and monitor the results. If the number of person who fills out the form does not increase even after making changes, you should consider taking help of a professional web design Los Angeles company. They have a team of creative designers at their office who will design an engaging web form for you. This way you can store the information of your users and use it when required. Besides this you can also share your web form concern with SFWP Experts and we will make sure to help you out ASAP. We have years of experience in designing stylish websites and web forms that is a source of inspiration for other designers. All the web designs we have created over the years are handpicked by our experienced members so you can be sure to get a user-friendly website from us that will increase your conversion rate.


Now, we will see what are the top 6 mistakes that you should avoid while designing a web form.

1. Making poor rules for input validation


When you display your form on the desktop screen of your visitors, you need to describe clearly whatever your input validation rules are. If we take an example of the US phone numbers you should not make it compulsory for your visitors to enter parentheses and hyphens between the numbers. By making strict rules for input validation you might be stopping the genuine users to enter their information who are habitual to using different formats. If you don’t want to ruin their user experience, make sure you display some hints on the web form that tells users to enter certain information in a certain way. Besides this you can also make your users understand by showing an example about how to enter their information in a specific format.


When you visit the websites of some top organizations in the world you will find that their application forms are designed in a very simple and clear manner.

If they need you to enter certain information in a certain way they will highlight that important information to make you understand. And many of them will make you understand through an example how certain information should be entered in the web form.


If you want to use these types of web forms in your website it would be better to hire a good web design company. They will create an easy and understandable web form for your visitors that will store their information and provide it to you. However you can also approach us for such tasks as we have extensive experience in web design and development. We are recognized as the best web design company in Los Angeles that is specialized in website building, website designing, SEO, and internet marketing.


2. Not using sliced fields properly

Sliced fields can work well when a visitor has to enter a particular information like date and all whose format is commonly known. You can just give a hint to your visitors about where the date and month has to be entered then they will fill the information correctly. But if you slice fields for entering the phone number, it might confuse your users that how should they enter the required information. It’s because there are so many different formats for entering the phone number and your visitors might not be familiar with your specified format.


3. Not including labels for the form fields


You might avoid including labels in your web forms to save space but it is very important to include it. It makes your visitors remember what information they were supposed to enter in a particular field. When you don’t include labels in the web forms and use only placeholder, it gets disappeared when users start typing in the particular field.

For this reason they usually forget the label and get confused about what they were supposed to enter. Also most of the potential visitors understand labels are better than placeholders.


When customers start filling information in a particular field without labels, the problem arises when they type any incorrect information mistakenly. They have to delete all the characters in a particular field to see what information they are supposed to enter and they need to type the correct information in that field again. This process increases their time of form filling and they make a bad impression about that particular website.


If you don’t want to ruin the user experience of your potential visitors, we would recommend to ask a web design company to create a well-structured web form for you. This will increase the number of your potential customers who are interested in your products or services.

However, you can also speak to our designers about building an engaging web form for you. We keep in mind to include the labels near the form field while designing a web form for your website and display hint in the placeholder. This way your visitors better understand the information that they are supposed to enter in a particular field. You should understand that we are your true digital partner who will stick around you in any problematic situation and resolve it ASAP.


4. Not using standard components in web form


There are various components that are used these days in web forms but not all of them are created according to the actual requirement. That’s why whenever you try to use any new features in your web form, you need to make sure it is going to work in older devices and browsers as well.

In such a situation using standard components in your web form is considered to be ideal because you will be almost sure that it will work in different devices and browsers. One of the biggest advantages of using standard components in your web form is that it supports different languages of different regions.


5. Opting-in your users by default


One of the common mistakes that many business owners make to their website is opting-in their users by default. But this kind of default opt-in setting should not be done by web owners and leave it to users to decide whether they want to opt-in or not. Give them a chance to make their own decisions instead of making an automatic opt-in process for them.

When someone uses automatic opt-in trick to acquire large number of potential customers, it does more harm than good to their website. When users get any messages or notifications from the website they tend to ignore it, thinking that they have never opted for such messages or notifications. But when website owners ask their users to opt-in, they might accept the request thinking that it will be useful for them. However, some users tend to ignore the request if they are not interested in any offering of the website.


You can get an effective opt-in form designed by the innovative designers if you want to provide a great user experience to your visitors. Being one of the top web design companies in Los Angeles, we will make sure while designing your opt-in form that it compel maximum number of users to opt-in your particular service. With stunning websites, we also provide other services to our clients like web development, website hosting, search engine optimization and brand building.

6. Not allowing users to sign in via social media accounts


If you want to enhance the user experience of your website in the simplest possible way, allow your users to sign in through their social media accounts. It will simplify the entire sign up process for your users who want to interact with your website. You also save a little time of your users by not asking them to fill out a form that describes their identity. They like the way of signing up instantly with one click of a button instead of filling out a bunch of form fields. However you should also make sure to not give your users the social login as the only option to login to your site as some users might not want to use their social media accounts. Besides this, you should also create a section for email and explain to your users what you will do and what not when you access their Gmail or other accounts.

One of the best strategies to build effective web forms for your website is to make sure it communicates well with your users. Few simple steps that you should follow for creating the best web form and providing good user experience are:


- Display the label even when users click in the form field.

- Avoid using terms like “Invalid” while displaying any error message.

- Provide your users more detail about how should they enter information


However, if you make any of the above mistakes while creating your web form, you might end up making annoying web form for your users and ruining their experience.

Every website owner wants to generate best leads with effective web forms but they make some mistakes and that leads to acquiring less number of potential customers. Now when you know the mistakes people usually make while creating an engaging web form, you should make changes to your web form at the earliest to encourage a large number of visitors to fill the form. If you don’t want to go this way, you can also contact our Wordpress website design company to create an impressive web forms for your website. We promise you to establish great communication with you, charge reasonable prices and provide an excellent customer support when you work with us. Your dream of having an award winning website will be fulfilled by us as our designers are totally dedicated to the art of web design.

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