A neutrino (denoted by the Greek letter ν) is a lepton, an elementary particle with half-integer spin, that interacts via only the weak subatomic force and gravity. The mass of the neutrino is tiny compared to other subatomic particles.
Our end-to-end and performance testing framework.
Designed and built by The Architect...
Wireshark captures
External libraries
TBMedia and other js utils, such as Anvil APIs, OpenTok Wrappers, HLS player...
Example tools that show how to use neutrino: pub, sub, archiving, broadcast...
TBMedia based
Pure neutrino.js
Chrome's WebRTC stack
js wrapper
TBMedia provides a wrapper on top of the WebRTC stack, and its purpose is to recreate more accurately the browser's behaviour
docker run -ti --net=host -v /home/fran/neutrino:/neutrino -e "OT_API_KEY=100" -e "OT_API_SECRET=19f149fdf697474f915f13de40e0ad53" -e "OT_BASE_URL=https://anvil-tbrel.opentok.com" -e "OT_SERVER_SECRET=SECRET" docker.tokbox.com/library/centos7-node12-npm bash
And then...
> cd /neutrino/perf
>./bin/neutrino.js tests/<suite>/<json file>