Tim Miller
Library 02 (lower level)
HSU Undergrad
1995-2000 (Biology)
HSU Grad School
2002-2005 (Kins)
Recreation Administration subject librarian
What activities are you involved in?
What professional fields are you interested in?
What do you have experience with?
Is there something that affects you personally that you'd like to learn more about?
Are there any unknowns that you are curious about?
Look for:
"Don't have a solid topic"
"Looking for review articles was not as easy as I expected."
"I couldn't print any PDFs from the searches I did."
"Having a hard time deciding on a specific topic (I think mine may be too broad)"
"Trying to choose a topic and not finding enough articles."
Where do you search?
What are your strategies?
What filters have you found to be useful?
What is the hardest part about getting started?