based on the paper of prof. Dan Crisan et al., 2018, Imperial College, London
due to:
based on:
Data assimilation: "in flight corrections" allows Numerical weather predictions
divergence free vector fields to be determined from the data
is the vorticity field
Emprical Orthogonal Functions (EOF)
Numerically (fine-coarse grid)
boundary condition
damping rate
Bernsen et al. [2006]; Gottlieb [2005]
Discontinuous Galerkin for the vorticity equation
Continuous Galerkin for the elliptic equation
Energy conservation minus the source terms
Conserves the numerical
flux across neighbouring elements
u is continuous across the elements
Courant-Friedrich-Lewy (CFL) condition: C = 1/3
Δ := t_i+1 - t_i
Lie derivative
Sequence of indepentent Brownian motions
Filtered probability space
[Holm, 2015]
eigenvectors of the velocity-velocity correlation tensor: divergence free
[Holm, 2015]
Transport velocity
Local truncation error
Local truncation error - deterministic
Def. For some γ>1, the discrete approximation operators S_Δ is called F-compatible if S_Δ is F_tj+1 measurable and
for all j=0,...,n-1.
Def. We say that the numerical scheme S_Δ is consistent in mean square of order γ>1, w.r.t. the SPDE, if there exists a constant c independent on Δ ∈ (0,T], and for all ε>0 there exists 𝛿>0 such that for all 0<Δ<𝛿 and j=1,...,N:
and S_Δ is F-compatible.
Thm. Assuming the SPDE well-posed and for all T>0 and sufficiently large p, we have
then the numerical schem S_Δ is consistent with γ=2.
[Crisan et al, 2018]
Averaged fluid particles equations of motion:
Eulerian stochastic QG equation
Deterministic unapproximated trajectories (fine grid):
Equations for ξ
Stochastic trajectories (coarse grid):
For each m=0,...,M-1
Finally, extract a basis for the noise minimizing:
N can be inferred by using EOFs
Initial vorticity at t_spin
Energy diagram
t = t0
t = t0 + 146
Finally, extract a basis for the noise minimizing:
N can be inferred by using EOFs
t = t0
Particle 1
Particle 2
t = t0 + 3
Particle 1
Particle 2
t = t0 + 5
Particle 1
Particle 2
Uncertainty quanti cation plots comparing the truth with the ensemble one standard deviation region
about the ensemble mean for the streamfunction at four interior grid points of a 4 × 4 observation grid
Uncertainty quanti cation plots comparing the truth with the ensemble one standard deviation region
about the ensemble mean for the streamfunction at four interior grid points of a 4 × 4 observation grid
Uncertainty quanti cation plots comparing the truth with the ensemble one standard deviation region about the ensemble mean for the streamfunction at four interior grid points of a 4 × 4 observation grid
Streamfunction - different resolutions
RMK: the coarse grid resolution gets re ned, the one
standard deviation region stays closer to the truth for longer time periods.
Uncertainty quanti cation plots comparing the truth with the ensemble one standard deviation region about the ensemble mean for the streamfunction at four interior grid points of a 4 × 4 observation grid
Vorticity - different resolutions
RMK: the coarse grid resolution gets re ned, the one
standard deviation region stays closer to the truth for longer time periods.