Adib, Ben Jong Kook, Farouk, Ainul, Kamilia Amelia, Fazlein
Furnace vs Oven
a cabin-shaped, aboveground furnace that transfers heat primarily through radiant and convective processes.
The radiant section in a cabin furnace is designed to contain the flames while avoiding direct contact with the tubes.
The radiant section is engineered to distribute the radiant heat evenly. Modern burner design consumes 100% of the fuel with a nominal excess of 10 to 15% oxygen.
Excess oxygen in the furnace is carefully controlled as it enters the base of the furnace.
This control takes place as the fuel and primary air mix at the burner and is enhanced by adjustments on the secondary air registers mounted on the outside of the burner.
An oxygen monitor carefully tracks the composition of the hot combustion gases. Adjustments to the airflow rate are made at the burners and the stack damper.