Build your next Rails app in 100% Ruby
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In 2007, the software industry and related activities contributed $261 billion to a total US GDP or approximately 1.8% of the total.
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When you type at the top and return it adds a new Todo to the list.
When you click the checkbox the todo is marked as complete
When you click on a completed todo, it goes back to incomplete
If you double click on the title, you can edit the title of the todo
The footer shows the total todos,and number of incomplete todo.
The footer has links to change how the Todos are filtered
All the Todos are saved to a server database
Some server side language (i.e. Ruby)
Some templating language (i.e. ERB)
FooterLink X 3 Displays the filter
name highlighted if that filter is active
Footer shows number of items left (pluralized), and the three filter links (all, completed, active)
EditItem X 2 User can add or edit a todo.
TodoItem Displays Todo title and a checkbox.
- When checked the todo is "complete".
- When the title is double clicked the Title is editable.
- A delete button will permanently delete the todo
One syntax to learn
Isomorphic Models (same code client and server)
Server side rendering (fast loads, and awesome SEO)
Uses existing, mature tool chain
Logical separation of concerns
Easy to understand: State + Render Method => Output
Simple to learn: you have seen most of the features - really!
Naturally reusable
Easily Testable
JSX syntax is really 3 languages shoved together
JS tool chain is maturing but is no where close to Ruby's
We want to keep using rails server side
Yes Please!
Pull requests welcome for:
reactive_rails_generator (documentation)
plus we love blog posts
and we need a gem to install the spec helpers
TopBar User can type a todo, todo is added when user hits return key.
TodoList Shows all todos based
on current filter
TodoItem Displays Todo title and a checkbox.
- When checked the todo is "complete".
- When the title is double clicked the Title is editable.
- A delete button will permanently delete the todo
Footer shows number of items left, allows the filter to be changed and all the completed components to be deleted