(these are the b's which cannot be expressed as a linear combination of the columns of A)
(row2 = row2 -row1)
(row3 = row3 -row1)
(row4 = row4 -row1)
(row3 = row3 - 2row2)
(row4 = row4 - 3row2)
(a 0-combination of the columns of A will always produce a 0 vector)
0-combination: a linear combination where each vector is scaled by 0 (my informal term)
(this simply follows from the definition of independence)
(a line)
(r2 = r2 - r1)
(r3 = r3 - r1)
(r4 = r4 - r1)
(r3 = r3 - 2r2)
(r4 = r4 - 3r2)
We are not ready to fully understand that yet but we will get there soon
(a solution to Ax = b exists)
(a solution to Ax = b exists)
(a line or a 2d plane or a 3d plane or ...)
(a solution to Ax = b exists)
(a line or a 2d plane or a 3d plane or ...)
(we know that a solution exists)
(a whole line, infinite solutions)
Is b in the column space of A?
Is nullspace of A non-zero
Any concrete suggestions on what can be done?
Please refer to specific sections in the textbook
Also refer to http://web.mit.edu/18.06/www/old.shtml
Did you mean ungraded quizzes/tests? (logistics)
already being done (please check my webpage)
sorry, can't really do that
trying my best, will try to makeup with extra classes
this is a theory course with applications in other courses
sorry, I don't agree