Achieving Level: 


Hakunama Tata

 * Author: Mohammad Umair Khan
 * Works at: 10Pearls
 * Aspirations: To be happy at a job and tell bad jokes at the same time

What is hakunama ...

Project Manager


QA Engineers




The results ...

And, they lived happily ever after ...

Shun pessimism through motivation

Propagate positive energy towards challenges

  • Can do attitude
  • Proactive (move around)
  • Socialize
  • Be loud but pleasant
  • Tell bad jokes
  • Be smart and not lose focus

Eat a lot

  • Team lunches
  • Give treats
  • Rob treats

Stop being skeptical and trust your peers

Trust in ones abilities can make him do wonders ... Trust me !

Own like Shahid bhai !

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