Bell Ringer

August 18, 2014

What changes occurred

as a result of the

Neolithic Revolution?

Please turn it in at the front when you are done.

Neolithic Revolution


Settled Villages

Food Surplus

Job Specialization

New Inventions

Bell Ringer

August 19, 2014

What can we learn about a civilization by looking at their laws?

Bell Ringer

August 20, 2014

If you were a ruler trying to unify your empire, what would you do?  Why?

Bell Ringer

August 21, 2014

What do you know about Egypt?

Come write your answer on the board.  

Mark it with your initials.

Anicent Egypt WebQuest

  1. Be sure to sign out your computer.

  2. Go to the website:

  3. Click on Ancient Egypt WebQuest and read all of the directions.

  4. When you are done be sure to click SUBMIT.

Bell Ringer

August 22, 2014

Create a conversation.

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