Supercharge your

Angular tests

with Jest

Michal Szczepaniak


Problems with jasmine testing

  • initial build times are slow
  • productivity is lower than it should be
  • error messages are vague at best

What is Jest? 1

  • delightful JavaScript Testing Framework
    with a focus on simplicity
  • code coverage out-of-the-box
  • snapshot testing
  • using jsdom under the hood
  • parallel tests



"As an experiment, 100 libs were generated and tested using Karma and Jest. Karma took around 15 minutes while Jest finished in only 4 minutes! The tests run in this experiment are identical between the two test runners which means the difference is due to the differences between the two test runners."

- Nrwl Team (Nx founders) 4


Immersive watch mode


jest features

1-2-3 Migration

1. Delete not needed packages

2. Install new packages 2

3. Alter package.json

4. Last one (I promise) setupJest.ts

Alternative setup 3

Briebug's Angular-Jest schematics:

  • installs Jest, it's dependencies, and new scripts
  • adds necessary files for Jest to work with Angular
  • removes unnecessary Karma files and configuration



Additional work for Angular 8

Migrating codebase

  • no need to change assertions
  • differences in mocking





"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away."

- Eudora Welty


Snapshot testing 5

  • take any serialisable object, create a snapshot and then compare your changes with the previously taken snapshot
  • snapshots do not have to be created by hand


if the snapshot is not there, jest will create it for you


snapshot testing

How about Rxjs and



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