Visual studio Code
First released by Microsoft in 2015
Constantly improving with montly releases
Cross-platform, free and open-source
Based on Electron and written in TypeScript
Minimalistic, yet very powerful
Easily extended
Visual studio Code
Language server
Protocol for IDE services
Simple, based on JSON-RPC
Many clients (vscode, eclipse, vim, emacs, atom, sublime, etc)
Many servers (haxe, js, ts, ocaml, java, c#, go, rust, php, c++, etc)
Controls and encapsulates Haxe completion server
Written in Haxe!
(Should be) possible to use without vshaxe
Extension for VS Code (but
not only
Syntax highlighting
IDE features throuh Haxe Language Server
Tasks, Dependency explorer, and other quality of life features
Also written in Haxe, easy to contribute
Great documentation
Usability and Extensibility
Zero-configuration setup with HXML files
Extensible by third-party extensions
Lime extension is already there
Easy switching between configurations
VS Code externs
VS Code is easily extended
Develop tools for your specific needs
for inspiration
Haxe externs
available (and used for vshaxe, codedox, vscode-checktyle, lime extension, etc).
Future plans
Work on Haxe compiler for better IDE services (code hints, refactoring, etc.)
Integrate hxparser for code structure awareness.
Implement/improve coding and debug workflow for Haxe targets
Dan Korostelev (@nadako)
Haxe Summit 2017
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