Emanuele Natale
30 May 2023
Supported by
Best PhD + Young Resercher Prizes by It. Ch. EATCS
Computational Dynamics
Collaboration with
Assembly Calculus
Ideas are sculpted in the brain by sparsifying it.
- L. Valiant
Blalock et al. (2020): iterated magnitude pruning still SOTA compression technique.
Frankle & Carbin (ICLR 2019):
Large random networks contains sub-networks that reach comparable accuracy when trained
sparse random network
bad network
..., train&prune
train&prune, ...,
large random network
sparse good network
sparse "ticket" network
good network
Ramanujan et al. (CVPR 2020) find a good subnetwork without changing weights (train by pruning!)
A network with random weights contains sub-networks that can approximate any given sufficiently-smaller neural network (without training)
Pensia et al. (NeurIPS 2020)
Find combination of random weights close to \(w\)
Malach et al. (ICML 2020)
Find random weight
close to \(w\)
Find combination of random weights close to \(w\):
RSSP. For which \(n\) does the following holds?
Given \(X_1,...,X_n\) i.i.d. random variables, with prob. \(1-\epsilon\) for each \(z\in [-1,1]\) there is \(S\subseteq\{1,...,n\}\) such that \[z-\epsilon\leq\sum_{i\in S} X_i \leq z+\epsilon.\]
Lueker '98: \(n=O(\log \frac 1{\epsilon})\)
Deep connection with integer linear programs
[Dyer & Frieze '89,
Borst et al. '22]
Theorem (da Cunha et al., ICLR 2022).
Given \(\epsilon,\delta>0\), any CNN with \(k\) parameters and \(\ell\) layers, and kernels with \(\ell_1\) norm at most 1, can be approximated within error \(\epsilon\) by pruning a random CNN with \(O\bigl(k\log \frac{k\ell}{\min\{\epsilon,\delta\}}\bigr)\) parameters and \(2\ell\) layers with probability at least \(1-\delta\).