The Brain and

The Hands





The Brain:


Ideation Process

You are that person that holds the next big idea!!!

Highlight the problem but......

don't solve the problem!!


Provide a solution to the problem

Employees solve problems,

Employers provide solutions 

How do we provide solutions?

  • Identify the problem
  • Clearly articulate the hypothesis
  • Validate the hypothesis

Identify the problem

  • User Research
  • Quantitative Metrics(Use the numbers)
  • Expert Evaluation

Is there really a problem?

Find out if there's a problem. How?

According to.....(data).....(customer)......[verb]......(problem)

The problem statement should read like:

According to the research we did, John finds it hard to locate our restaurant.


Clearly articulate the hypothesis

  • Build the scenario
  • Take the customer approach while providing the solution
  • Prototype the solution
  • Build a simple solution that you can test it with your users.
  • Use whatever tools necessary to come up with a good solution.

We believe that....(who)....will....(what).

For example

We believe that John will locate the place if we put signboards on the major roads.

For example

Validate the hypothesis

  • Minimize the risk!! Debug the design!!
  • You can either use:
    • Paper Prototyping (Early stage prototyping)
    • Usability Testing (Product exists but in debug mode)
  • Analyse user behaviour and feedback patterns:
    • Best done with analytics software like:-
      • Google analytics
      • twitter analytics
      • mixpanel

Did you really prove the hypothesis?

The Hands:


Tech Team

The Justice League

  • Designer(Flash):
    • Artistic guy
    • visualizes the product
    • Responsible of how the product looks and feels
    • Good with colors and generally able to create good visuals
    • Will be more powerful if equipped with good UX skills.

The Justice League

  • Back End Developer(Batman):
    • Handles everything behind the curtains
    • Good at databases, servers, testing, configurations, analytics, Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
    • Super geek of the team
    • Has substantial knowledge of front end  

The Justice League

  • Front End Developer(Wonder Woman):
    • Is able to translate the designer's work into code.
    • Creates the visual effects of the product
    • Responsible for the interactivity of the product
    • Is very good with visuals
    • Will be more powerful with background knowledge on User Experience and User Centered Design.

The Justice League

  • Mobile Developer(Green Lantern):
    • Is able to translate your product to a relevant mobile touch.
    • In depth at least one of the following technologies: swift(iOS), java(android), C#(Windows)
    • Deep knowledge on how the Model View Controller(MVC) infrastructure works

The Justice League

  • Business Developer(Superman):
    • The money guy that makes the whole team hold together
    • Leadership skills
    • Ability to put a price tag on literally anything depending on the times and seasons
    • Has the muscle to push everything: money, law, marketing and support for all others.
    • Inspiration guy
    • Awesome at identifying opportunities
    • Very informed

If you can't hire all that "A-Team", this will also work: 

  • Designer
  • Techie: (Can code in at least 3 programming languages)
  • Business Developer

A good tech team needs co-ordination. 


You need chemistry!!!

Co-ordination? How?

Agile Methodology

what was that again?

Agile: What is it?

  • Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

Def: One of the software development process based on the Agile Manifesto which states:

One of the most popular and widely used framework of Agile is....


Scrum is...

  • A specific lightweight, Agile process framework for iterative development
    • Process Framework: A specific set of practices
    • Lightweight: Set is small, not comprehensive
    • Agile: Reflects the Agile Manifesto 
    • Iterative: Deliver results in frequent increments

Characteristics of scrum

  • The Roles:
  • The Artifacts:
  • The Time boxes:

Characteristics of scrum: Roles

  • Team:
    • Self-organizes cross-functional members to implement, test features
    • Software & test engineers, database architects, UI developers, etc.
    • Owns estimates, tasks, assignments

Characteristics of scrum: Roles

  • Scrum Master:
    • Does whatever is needed to make Team as productive as possible
    • Acts as Servant Leader
    • Owns process (enforces, tracks, expedites problem resolution)
    • Runs Daily Scrum, Sprint Planning, Retrospective Meetings
    • Often a Project Manager

Characteristics of scrum: Roles

  • Product Owner:
    • Is Team’s sole source of truth for requirements and priorities
    • Owns requirements (new features, bug fixes) and ranking
    • Works with customers, stakeholders to define & rank user-facing features
    • Collaborates with Team to ensure proper implementation
    • Often a Product Manager, Business Analyst

Characteristics of scrum

  • The Artifacts:
    • ​Product backlog: The wishlist
    • Sprint Backlog: Prioritized wishlist
    • Burndown Chart: Progress of how the wishes are made true

Characteristics of scrum

  • The Five Time Boxes:
    • ​Sprint: Optimum 2 weeks but it depends on the project
    • Sprint Planning Meeting: 0 - 8hrs 
    • Daily Scrum: 15 Minutes
    • Sprint Review: 1 hour
    • Retrospective: 1 hour

How it works

  • Effective on small team

  • Scrum of scrums for larger teams


  • Superman has the sun

  • Batman has his suits and gadgets

  • Wonder woman has her "Lasso of truth"

  • Green Lantern has his power ring


A product that relies heavily on tech could use:

  • Version Control: Git and github
  • Cloud Computing: Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure
  • Database As A Service(DAAS): Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Firebase, Couchbase, MS Azure
  • Analytics: Google Analytics,, Mixpanel
  • Agile Tools: Jira, Asana, Trello

Productivity can only be maximized if there exists proper co-ordination among team members.

Take Homes

Provide solutions to real problems.

Don't annoy people

Careful who you hire


  • Entreprenuership School
  • Moringa School
  • Scrum Alliance
  • Google Images
  • Memegenerator


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