What lies at the root of this conflict?

  • What was once Yugoslavia and much of the Balkans was owned by the Illyrians, a supposed descendant of the Albanians, since around 2000 BC.

  • In 1991, the Macedonians, despite being the ethnic minority to the Albanians, declared independence from Yugoslavia. Ethnic conflict between the huge Albanian population and the Macedonian government over the rights to Macedonian land had been mediated through political outlets for many years, but in 2001, after the government banned Albanian flags and repressed the albanian language. This caused a violent insurgency by the NLA with demands.

  • (ALSO albanians= Islamic, Macedonians=Christian)

What form does this conflict take?


  • Open violence between the NLA ( National Liberation Army ) and the Macedonian Government

  • Also, because of the Kosovo crisis, Macedonia is taking in many albanian refugees. Many of these refugees are disliked and seen as hurting the economy.  

What is the spatial extent of the conflict?

Past: Yugoslavia

Modern: border regions between Macedonia and Albania


Black in a white man territory

How long has there been tension or conflict?

Since the succession of Macedonia, the large albanian population in the country have been oppressed and prevented from displaying their nationality in the country. With this said, the conflict began as far back as Alexander the Great, when Albania helped Greece take over Macedonia in supplement to ending the ancient Macedonian language.


In what ways has this conflict been manifested?

The repression of the Albanian language and Albanian flag by the Macedonian majority in government. Also by the large number of refugees coming into Macedonia from Albania (ie. weak economy)

How many people have been affected?  In what ways?

Over 140,000 people were displaced from their homes in Macedonia during the conflict also resulting in more than 1,000 casualties ( Civilians and Militant groups deaths .

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