
Richard Miles


Richard Miles is your typically average worker, average office job, average life. Richard lives at home with his wife, he doesn’t have any children. Richard isn’t the most popular guy there is, he has a few friends that he likes to go out with and hang around with them some nights. He likes to play golf in his spare time, golf is his favourite hobby.  At Richards Miles work place, people think of him as that average guy also, nothing special, just another guy trying to make a living working in an office who hates his Boss. Richard Miles’ role in our film is that at the start he appears to be a normal guy, who’s getting on with his life, has wife and no kids. One day, Richard’s boss, Joe Morgan, makes him redundant, when Richard gets told this news, he goes crazy and this is where the mayhem begins. Richard comes home after getting dropped from his job and becomes psychotic, he takes down his wife first by accidently killing her during an argument. He then kills his best friend George Lithet and then afterwards goes on a killing spree. Richard also has deep religious beliefs

Influence from Research

The existing character from a real film that influenced the role of Richard Miles, was from the film The Shining. When we saw the Character John Torrance, we thought that this was an effective character to have include in our trailer. The reason fro this was because in the film The Shining, we felt that it created a scary atmosphere and a lot of tension, therefore we had to include this in our film also.

Nina Miles

Nina Miles is Richards Miles’ wife


she is your normal house wife, who stays at home and looks after the house. We view her to be extremely emotional at times in the film. Nina is the first character to die in our film, Richard comes home from being dropped from his job, they then get into an argument and Richard then accidently kills here.

George Lithet

George Lithet is Richard Miles’ best friend



they went to school together and have been best pals for as long as they can remember. George is a drug addict and doesn’t have a job, he goes to Richard often to borrow money, Richard has no choice but to help his best friend out. George appears in some of the scenes in the trailer. Where he will appear is when Richard goes psychotic and kills his best friend in the film.

Joe Morgan

Joe Morgan is Richards boss



 Joe is your typical boss, arrogant, sits back and lets the staff do all the work for him, after coming to the decision to drop Richard, Joe asks Richard to come into the conference room and fires Richard. Joe has the tendency to fire staff. When Richard goes on a killing spree later on in the film, he also kills his boss, Joe Morgan

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