// define the rest length
const restLength = 50;
// update loop
graph.vertices.forEach(function (a) {
a.neighbours.forEach(function (b) {
const dx = b.x - a.x;
const dy = b.y - a.y;
const d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
const diff = restLength / a.neighbours.length - d;
const offx = ((diff * dx) / d) * 0.5;
const offy = ((diff * dy) / d) * 0.5;
a.x -= offx;
a.y -= offy;
b.x += offx;
b.y += offy;
graph.vertices.forEach(function (b) {
if (a == b) return;
const dx = b.x - a.x;
const dy = b.y - a.y;
const d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
const diff = restLength - d;
const offx = ((diff * dx) / d) * 0.01;
const offy = ((diff * dy) / d) * 0.01;
a.x -= offx;
a.y -= offy;
b.x += offx;
b.y += offy;
3D Force-Directed Graph
import ForceGraph3D from "3d-force-graph";
//1 create a FDG simulation
const FDG = ForceGraph3D({
logarithmicDepthBuffer: true, // three.js renderer settings
})(this.container); //<- add renderer to DOM
const data = {nodes:[], links:[]};//get the data from a graph
graph.nodes.forEach((node) => {//create the nodes
data.nodes.push({ x: node.x, y: node.y, z: node.z,
data:'whatever you want this node to hold' });
graph.edges.forEach((link) => { //create the edges
data.links.push({ source: link[0], target: link[1], });
FDG.graphData(data);//feed the graph data to the FDG
//set some useful helper
FDG.onNodeHover((node) => {}); //get node on roll over
FDG.onNodeClick((node) => {}); //get node on click
FDG.onLinkHover((link) => {}); // same for links
FDG.onLinkClick((link) => {});
FDG.nodeHoverPrecision(10); //click & hover precision (in pixels)
//for DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) only: render presets
FDG.warmupTicks(50); //precomputes the layout for X iterations
FDG.cooldownTicks(100); //ticks before calling "onEngineStop"
FDG.onEngineTick(() => {}); //on FDG update
FDG.onEngineStop(() => {}); //called when the FDG has cooled down
all manners of graphs, from theory to practice to actually useful stuffs for game dev and more
(shameless plug) Graph, a hidden hero