a trendy javascript slid.es deck
by Nicolas Barradeau
monas "unit", menein "to be stable"
essence, unity, god
the world can be thought of as a continuous system
whereas digital computers feed on discrete data
most dimensions of the world can be
turned into discretes variables
light ⇨ color palette
phenomenon ⇨ simulation
reaction ⇨ process
time ⇨ interval
subtractive ⇨ additive
transparency ⇨ translucency
Continuous data is measured, Discrete data is counted
primitive types : the flesh of computation
bit / boolean 0 or 1
byte / octet : 8 bit
Float : 16 bit ( picture
source )
Double : 32 bit
Character : 7 bit (US ASCII ) - 32 bit
a series of unidimesnsional data
( mono-channel ) sound : [ value ( frequency modulation ), time ]
two dimensional data holder: coordinate { x:0, y:0 }combinatorics of primitive data types
color { R, G, B }
3D vector { X, Y, Z }
binary + pixel : [ X, Y, value ]
stereo + sound : [ L, R, T, sampling rate ]
pixel + color : [ X, Y, R, G, B ]pixel + alpha + color : [ X, Y, A, R, G, B ]
3D scene = coordinates, colors, projection, time
video = image, position, color, sound, time
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a tweet can potentially be represented in ~72 dimensions
sample JSON response for a Tweet update source
reduced to a unidimensional variable, a data
can shift between various fields of representation
more and more data are made available
most data are often rich enough
to create a great complexity
because sometimes, that's all it takes...
adding 3 pairs of «legs» implicitly draws a
segmentation of the body into 3 parts
in fact, the ant's body is made of 3 segments: a head with 2 antennas, a thorax from where legs start in a star shape and the abdomen which is slightly bigger than the thorax
legs are composed of 3 segments, the forelegs are usually shorter, the back legs are stronger, the gravity center lies around the petiole
phainein, 'to show' & typos, 'type'
the composite of an organism's observable characteristics or traits , such as its morphology, development, biochemical or physiological properties, phenology, BLAH BLAH BLAH
excellent tutorials by Joumana Medlej on how to draw mankind in all it's variety http://majnouna.com/tutorials.html
from which I collected a set of key values hereunder encoded in SVG.
data="M 11 0 L 11 8 L 8 11 L 5 9 L 1 10 L 4 12 L 0 14 L 8 18 L 11 19 L 11 21 L 11 22 L 11 24 L 7 22 L 2 25 L 11 25 L 11 30"
from this points, I built a parametric face & a more expressive renderer
your face
are easier to control than pure random
a noise is a unidimensional process & can
apply to any dimension of an object
using a limited set of colors
when seeing a colorful setup, take a quick note with a camera then use one of the numerous online utilities
it can be done at runtime by a program
if one of these steps is missing
you messed up somewhere
note: this requires a LOT of WORK
x = cos( angle ) * radius;
y = sin( angle ) * radius;
x = cos( angle ) * radius;
y = height value;
z = sin( angle ) * radius;
var theta = 0 > ? > PI * 2;
var phi = -PI > ? > PI;
x = sin( theta ) * cos( phi ) * radius;
y = sin( theta ) * sin( phi ) * radius;
z = cos( theta ) * radius;
function distance( p0, p1 )
var dx = p0.x - p1.x;
var dy = p0.y - p1.y;
return sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
function angle( p0, p1 )
return atan2( p1.y - p0.y, p1.x - p0.x );
function nrm( value, A, B )
return ( value - A ) / ( B - A );
function lrp( value, A, B )
return A + value * ( B - A );
function map( value, A0, B0, A1, B1 )
var norm = nrm( value, A0, B0 );
return lrp( norm, A1, B1 );
function translate( p, x, y )
p.x += x;
p.y += y;
return p;
function rotate( p, lattice, angle )
var a = angle( lattice, p ) + angle;
var d = distance( lattice, p );
var nx = lattice.x + cos( a ) * d;
var ny = lattice.y + sin( a ) * d;
return new point( nx, ny );
function project( p, a, b, asSegment ) {
var A = p.x - a.x; var B = p.y - a.y; var C = b.x - a.x; var D = b.y - a.y; var dot = A * C + B * D; var len = C * C + D * D; var t = dot / len; if( asSegment ) { if( t < 0 ) return a; if( t > 1 ) return b; }
return new point( a.x + t * C, a.y + t * D );
function reflect( p, a, b )
var pp = project( p, a, b, false );
var nx = p.x + ( pp.x - p.x ) * 2;
var ny = p.y + ( pp.y - p.y ) * 2;
return new point( nx, ny );
function glide( p, a, b, distance )
var t = reflect( p, a, b );
var angle = angle( a, b );
var nx = cos( angle ) * distance;
var ny = sin( angle ) * distance;
return translate( t, nx, ny );
introduction to generative concepts
open processing samples
distributing unidimensional random values http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/84288
building a N-dimensional bezier curve http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/106374
regularly repeating array of identical units
[...] arrays of units that are similar but not necessarily identical, and which repeat but not necessarily regularly or with a well-defined symmetry. [...]
- Philip Ball in Nature's patterns, a tapestry in three parts
I try to understand how they work
to find their structure or formal grammar
understanding a structure allows to build a system
var bits = "I AM A BANANA!".split('');
var max = bits.length;
var out = "";
for( var i = 0; i < max; i++ )
out += bits[ i ];
console.log( out );//-> I AM A BANANA!
function goBanana( count )
if( count == 0 )
return "I AM A BANANA!";
return goBanana( --count );
console.log( goBanana( 100 ) );//-> I AM A BANANA!
ballsvar PI2 = Math.PI * 2; var D2R = Math.PI / 180; var PHI = 3 * D2R;
var pos = new Vector3(); var angle = new Vector3( rnd() * PI2, rnd() * PI2, rnd() * PI2 ); var speed = new Vector3( rnd() * PHI, rnd() * PHI, rnd() * PHI ); function update() { angle.add( speed ); pos.x = 1; pos.y = 0; pos.z = 0; quaternion.setFromEuler( angle ); pos.applyQuaternion( quaternion ); pos.normalize(); pos.multiplyScalar( radius ); }
//ratios: -2 > R > 2
var r = [0.487108, -0.806386, 1.343395, 0.706031, 1.323653 ];
var v = new Vector3();
var scale = 50;
for( var i = 0; i < 20000; i++ )
var k = 0;
var x = v.x;
var y = v.y;
var z = v.z;
v.x = sin( r[ k++ ] * y ) - z * cos( r[ k++ ] * x );
v.y = z * sin( r[ k++ ] * x ) - cos( r[ k++ ] * y );
v.z = r[ k++ ] * sin( x );
//ouput position
var o = new Vector3( v.x * scale, v.y * scale, v.z * scale );
Clifford attractor
var axiom = "a"; var rules = { "a" : "ab", "b" : "a" }; function rewrite() { var new_axiom = ""; var tmp = axiom.split( '' ); for( var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++ ) { new_axiom += rules[ tmp[ i ] ];
} axiom = new_axiom; return axiom; } console.log( rewrite() ); // -> ab console.log( rewrite() ); // -> aba console.log( rewrite() ); // -> abaab console.log( rewrite() ); // -> abaababa
describes the structure of all valid sentences. a formal grammar is based on production rules and stops when the axiom contains only terminal symbols
#define _col0 #F00
#define _col1 #FF0
#define _inc 0.1
40 * { y 0.1 ry 9 rz -2 s 1.01 1.01 1.01 color _col0 }column
rule column w 0.5
{ y 0.5 ry 18 blend _col1 _inc }box
rule column w 0.2
{ x -0.25 z -0.25 y 0.5 s 0.8 blend _col1 _inc } box
rule column w 0.2
20 * { rx 1 ry 1.5 rz 3 s 0.75 0.95 1.10 blend _col1 _inc }box
the previous slides were done using structure synth and rendered using sunflow.
a good read about structure synth
use with extreme caution
try to take risks
be open-minded, passionate, curious
but most of all
be hard at work
persisting through failure is
it takes time to learn to fail