Q.6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product.

What technologies we have used to film the final product:

  • Garage band 
  • Final cut pro
  • Motion
  • Blogger
  • Prezi
  • Twitter
  • Powerpoint
  • Word

We used hardware such as:

  • Handbreak
  • Camera
  • Video
  • Tripod
  • Fig rig
  • Mac/Macbook

Garage band:

We used garage band to make the song for the background music for our title sequence. We searched for different instruments and dragged and dropped them to the middle box. This helped us create a flowing song. 

Final cut pro:

We used final cut pro to edit our title sequence clips together. This allowed us to edit them together to make them flow. This was the most important part of the process as it helped us complete it.


We used motion to include the text/ titles into our title sequence. This allowed us to add in the names of the actors that came up for example 'Abdul Ahmed'


We used blogger to upload out work and show our progress that we are making across the while course.


We used timetoast to produce the timeline of what and when we will be doing things. This allowed us to help keep track fo what to film and when. It also helped us with the order of the titles and where they had to be put.


I used Powerpoint to help me produce these posters and newspaper add as it was easier to use than photoshop. This will help to advertise the film.


We used word to help us produce different ideas for what sort of text we should use for the title of title sequence. 


We used HandBreak to compress our title sequences to make them the right format. 


We used Twitter to inform our teachers about what we was doing and where we was. this allowed the to track our progress 



The camera was the most important part of hardware that we had to use. We used it to film all the clips that we needed. The camera helped us take close ups and many other shots this helped us show the characters emotions.


We used the video drive to save all of our work on it so it did not get lost. We saved all our work that we had completed onto here so we knew where it was.


We used the tripod so that we can get steady shots by keeping the camera still and safe. This helped is with the shots when the main character was walking to keep the camera at a steady angle and height at all times to make it consistent. 

Fig Rig:

We used the fig rig so we can get steady tracking shots as it absorbs all the movement which keeps the camera shots still. This helped us when we doing a tracking shot of the main character walking, it allowed us to keep it as less shakey as possible.

Mac/ Macbook:

We used the Macs to edit our clips together that we had filmed.They allowed us to use final cut pro on a bigger screen so we could see what we were doing better. We used the MacBooks to blog whilst we were editing so we could keep up with the deadline at the same time.

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