Chapter 15


Societies and Empires of Africa


North & Central African Societies


Hunter-Gathering Societies

  • The Efe 
  • Social Structure



Stateless Societies

  • Tracking family descent


  • Age set system





Lineage groups ruled


Muslim States


Islam played a vital role in North Africa


Islam spread to Maghrib 

African rulers converted to Islam

Based government upon Islamic Law


Almoravid Reformers

  • 11th century, Muslim reformers founded the Almoravid Empire
  • By convincing Abd Allah Ibn Yasin to preach.
  • His followers were known as Almoravids.

Almoravid Empire

  • Spread Islam through conquest
  • Found Marrakech
  • Moors (spain) & Ghana
  • Almohads seized power
  • teachings of Ibn Tumart
  • Overthrew Almoravids

Section 2


West African Civilizations


Empire of Ghana

  • Trades across the Sahara made possible by the camel.
  • Soninke people called their ruler ghana
  • Kingdom of Ghana 700s

Empire of Mali 1235

  • South of Ghana, the Kingdom of Mali emerged
  • Wealth built on gold
  • Trade routes shifted eastward
  • People of Mali seized power
  • Sundiata became mansa or emperor
  • Later, muslim, Mansa Musa ruled
  • After 50 years, the empire began to weaken

Empire of Songhai

  • Sunni Ali
  • Askia Muhammad

Other Peoples West Africa

  • Hausa
  • Yoruba
  • Benin

Eastern City-States and Southern Empires


Section 3


East Coast Trade Cities

  • Swahili language
  • Kilwa
  • Portuguese conquest

Islamic influences


Southern Africa & Great Zimbabwe


The Mutapa Empire

  • Fertile soil, good rainfall, and ample wood
  • Mutapa Empire
  • Increasing European interference

Influence Today



  • Beck, R. (1999). World History: Patterns of interaction. Evanston, Ill.: Mcdougal Littell
  • Hunting and gathering culture. (n.d). Retrieved January 13, 2016 from
  • African Cultures: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. Retrieved January 13, 2016 from
  • Islam in Africa. (2001). Retrieved January 13, 2016 from
  • Kingdoms of southern africa:zimbabwe (n.d.) Retrieved January 13, 2016 from
  • Influence of islam on the berbers. (2007). Retrieved January 13, 2016 from

Kingdom of Mali (n.d.). retrieved from’s-last-lost-great-civilization-is-in-eritrea/

African lineages (n.d.) retrieved from​

The fall of african empires (n.d.). retrieved from

Long live rock (n.d.). retrieved from​

salt (2010). retrieved from





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