Biographical Sketch


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


Saudi Arabia prior to Islam


  • The terrain was sandy and dusty with deserts everywhere
  • This led to the coming together of different trade caravans
  • Camels were used for transport of goods and ideas.


  • Muhammad was born to a relatively well known family. Unfortunately, his parents died when he was very young. His grandfather also died.
  • He was sent to a Beduin family to live with his uncle, Abu Talib. 
  • He was orphaned and returned to the city of Mecca.
  • He married Kadija, a successful business woman, who proposed to him


  • Muhammad was known to be truth telling and kind.
  • He usually went up to the mountains to meditate.
  • One day as he was in a cave alone, he heard a voice speak to him.
  • "Read" it commanded. It was Angel Gabriel who embraced him to give him the ability to read.
  • Muhammad was deeply shaken.


  • The message he received from god was that there was only one God, and that Muhammad was his messenger.
  • He also believed that everyone was equal.
  • His teachings angered the aristocrats of Mecca, who worshipped many gods.


  • Muhammad began to gather followers of Islam.
  • Muslims were persecuted and forced out of Mecca. 
  • They returned to their hometown in a tradition that was known as the Hajj.
  • They strive to live a moral life.


  • Today Islam has 1.6 billion, the second largest in the world.
  • Muslims are abundant in the middle eastern areas and around the world.
  • Mecca is now the holy city for Islam.
  • The muslim brotherhood follows their practices of living a moral life without eating pork and drinking.

The End

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