the new swiss army chainsaw
Nicole Oliver, Full-stack Developer
Jude Poole, Director of Computer Services
Division of Biological Sciences, UC San Diego
open source & cross-platform
developed by Ryan Dahl at
npm added
native windows version created
io.js fork created
io.js and Node.js agree to work together under Node.js Foundation
the building blocks of your project
* just over 160,000 at the time of this presentation!
the world's most misunderstood programming language?
package.json contains your basic project info
// create new package.json
npm init
// run file
node index.js
// add a dependency and save to package.json
npm install package-name --save
'http' is one of the core modules
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('Oh hi Lisa!\n');
}).listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');
// install express application generator tool globally
npm install express-generator -g
// create app skeleton in a new directory called myappname
express myappname
// go into newly created directory and install dependencies
cd myappname
npm install
* formerly known as node-webkit
Full-stack Developer
Division of Biological Sciences
Director of Computer Services
Division of Biological Sciences
References (and some other cool stuff we couldn't fit into this talk) are available:
This presentation was created with reveal.js, an html presentation framework built on node.js!