Tropical Rainforests

By: Noah Richardson

Types of Plants

  1. Bengal Bamboo
  2. Mangrove Trees
  3. Coconut Trees

Types of Animals

  • Bengal Tiger
  • Chimpanzee
  • King Cobra
  • African Forest Elephant


  • The annual precipitation of a rainforest is greater than 150 cm.
  • In only a month, the rain forest receives 4 inches of rain
  • The average temperature is about 77 degrees Fahrenheit
  • 50% of the rain forest's precipitation comes from its own evaporation

Location Found

  • Central America in the Amazon River Basin
  • Africa - Zaire basin; Eastern Madagascar; small area in West Africa
  • Indo-Malaysia - west coast of India, Assam, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and Queensland, Australia

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