Learn more about broken terminology in Bitcoin, with "Bitcoin Design Principles" by Andreas M. Antonopoulos
"Normal wallets cannot be copied, Bitcoin Wallets can be copied - exactly like normal real-life keys"
"If you give someone a copy of a key, they can open the door, they don't need your permission anymore"
When miners mine Bitcoin, they are creating entries in distributed ledger. Those ledger entries do not enumerate coins, they have transaction outputs, which are chunks of value that are infinitely divisible and recombinable."
Bitcoins are not yours if you don't own your private keys
What is the best place to store FIAT money, like Dollars or Polish Złoty?
A really big 256-bits long random number, converted in a certain way:
256-bits long == range: [0 - 2^256)
Binary: 011011100101001011111001100011110001110100000001000101101000101111110111110100110100001010000000010000001101100110100101011010001011100101000111010111011011000100000100101000010010111111011111011010010100010100111101111101100100100111101000101001110100001
Bin (256) -> HEX - > BASE58Check -> Private Key -> Address
Detail description: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=944596.0
BrainWallet: https://brainwallet.github.io/
PaperWallets: https://www.bitaddress.org/
What if my wallet will not work on my iPhone 26S in 2035?
BIPs (Bitcoin Improvement Proposals):
A mnemonic code or sentence is superior for human interaction compared to the handling of raw binary or hexadecimal representations of a wallet seed. The sentence could be written on paper or spoken over the telephone.
in a safe way...
Pointing and calling is a method in occupational safety for avoiding mistakes by pointing at important indicators and calling out the status. It is common in Japan and is sometimes referred to by its Japanese terms, shisa kanko (指差喚呼), shisa kakunin kanko (指差確認喚呼) or yubisashi koshō (指差呼称). Making large gestures and speaking out the status helps keeping focus and attention.