case class Person( name:String,
) {
def incAge(n:Int):Person = copy(age = age+n)
def newSon(child:Person):(Person, Person) = {
val newChild = this.gender match {
case Male => child.copy(father = Some(this))
case Female => child.copy(mother = Some(this))
(newChild, this.copy(children = newChild :: children)
val _Noah = Person("Petrella", "Noah", age=4, Male, mother=Some(Sandrine)
father=None) val boringNoootsab = Person("Petrella", "Andy", 32, Male, father=Some(Arcangelo), mother=Some(Nadine)) val (Noah, happyNoootsab) = boringNoootsab.newSon(_Noah)
listOfNames map { name => DB.getByName(name) }
listOfPersons flatMap { person => person.friends }
listOfFriends filter { (f:Friend) => f.met moreThan (10 years) }
listOfOldFriends.count(_.person.gender != me.gender)
def authentication(manager:SecurityManager): User=>Authentication
def source(url:String): Authentication=>DataRepo=>Data
val authenticate = authentication(FakeSecurityManager)
val settings = source("/settings")
def request = {
val user = //...
val auth = authenticate(user)
val settingsFetcher = settings(auth)
// and so on
def lm(x:List[Double], y:List[Double]):((Double, Double), Double=>Double) = {
val n = x.size
val ẍ = x.sum.toDouble / n
val ÿ = y.sum.toDouble / n
val Sp = ((x ∙- ẍ) ∙* (y ∙- ÿ) sum) / (n-1)
val Sx2 = ((x ∙- ẍ) ∙^ 2 sum) / (n-1)
val ß1 = Sp / Sx2
val ß0 = ÿ - ß1 * ẍ
val coefs = (ß0, ß1)
val predict = (d:Double) => ß0 + ß1 * d
(coefs, predict)
def test(ß0:Double = 18.1d, ß1:Double = 6d, error:Int=>List[Double]) = {
val n = 10000
val x:List[Double] = -n.toDouble to n by 1 toList
val e = error(2*n+1)
val y:List[Double] = ß0 ∙+: (ß1 ∙*: x) ∙+: e
lm(x, y)
val error = rnorm(mean=0, sigma=5) // gen gaussian nbs
val model = test(103, 7, error)
on github
lazy val app:App = initializeApp()
def logDebug(m: => String)= if (LOG.debugEnabled) LOG.error(m) else ()
val app:Future[App] = initializeApp()
val http:Future[HttpClient] = _.http.client )
def isOk(url:String):Future[Boolean] =
http.flatMap(client => client.get(url) )
.map( _.code )
.filter( _ == 200 )
.recoverWith {
case x:CommunicationException => isOk(url)
}.recover {
case e: Throwable => false
class LazyCons[+A](a:A, t: => Lazy[A]) extends Lazy[A] {
val head = Some(a)
lazy val tail = t
def fetch(file:String):Lazy[Future[String]] = {
val texts = io.Source.fromFile(new
def readLine(texts:Iterator[String]):Lazy[Future[String]] = //...
for the fun → val fibs:Stream[Int] = 0 #:: 1 #:: ((fibs zip fibs.drop(1)) map ((_:Int) + (_:Int)).tupled)
on github
trait Data {
def dependent:List[Double]
def observed:Matrix
def bootstrap(proportion:Double):Future[Data]
trait Model {
type Coefs
def apply(data:Data):Future[(Coefs, List[Double]=>Future[Double])]
def bagging(model:Model)(agg:Aggregation[model.Coefs], n:Int)(data:Data):Future[model.Coefs] = {
def exec:Future[model.Coefs] = for {
sample <- data.bootstrap(0.6)
(coefs, _) <- model(sample)
} yield coefs
val execs:List[Future[model.Coefs]] = List.fill(n)(exec)
val coefsList:Future[List[model.Coefs]] = Future.sequence(execs)
val result:Future[model.Coefs] = coefsList map agg
on github