Accessible from the start

Logo Nothing AG

Or: What Russian villages have to do
with the accessibility of websites

Nothing AG
Technology experts in digital inclusion

Josua Muheim

Wednesday, 20th of April 2022

Some common prejudices

  • Accessibility is expensive.
  • Accessibility leads to unsatisfactory compromises.
  • Accessibility must be treated / added separately.
  • Accessibility makes life difficult for developers.

regarding digital accessibility

Logo Nothing AG
Portrait of Josua Muheim

Hallo zusammen! 👋🏼

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AD G* Created with Sketch.
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Good ol' times! 😊

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Nothing AG

Logo Nothing AG
  • Web Agentur / Venture Lab
  • UX, Frontend Entwicklung
  • Peer to peer (P2P)
  • Mission: Anderen helfen, zu helfen!
  • Bern, Schweiz
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Wir sind die Technologie-Experten im Thema
Digitale Inklusion.

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Nothing's Kompetenzen & Angebote

  • Entwicklerinnen, Designer, UX- und
  • Wir arbeiten aktiv in Ihrem Projekt
    mit - direkt im Code!
  • Umsetzung / Begleitung von Projekten
  • Optimierung existierender Projekte
  • Schulung: Weitergabe unserer Skills

Technology experts in digital inclusion


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Potemkin Villages

A short excursion to Russia

Potemkin Villages

  • Field Marshal Potemkin is said to have set up backdrops of villages
  • To deceive Catherine the Great about prosperity and development
  • Illusion of demonstratable success through material/organizational effort
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Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen

  • Good looking objects that
    hide bad condition
  • Work elaborated and
  • Substance is lacking
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with Accessibility?

What does this have to do

Web pages are also built like this

  • They have "things" in the background
    • HTML (and JavaScript)
    • Information (text, audio, charts...)
  • And a visual facade
    • CSS
    • Purely graphic elements (images)​
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"Build first, then paint!"

  • First we need rock solid building fabric
  • After that we paint it beautifully!
  • For rock solid building fabric we need
    we need knowledge about all
    • Often accessibility is no requirement
    • Or too late
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Subsequent "optimization"

  • Building fabric must be extensively modified
    • "Please, make Sagrada Familia wheelchair
  • Leads to enormous additional costs
  • Gives unsatisfactory results
    • Compromises, Workarounds
  • Again:
    What does this have to do with digital
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Potemkin  Villages!

Many modern websites are

At least from the point of view of accessibility

Big mouth, little behind it?

  • Modern websites are often geared towards
    • Elaborate visual experience
    • Complex interactive possibilities
  • You "put the cart before the horse"
    • Focus completely on the facade
    • Building fabric (HTML) neglected
  • General problem: bad semantics in HTML!
    • Assistive devices (screen readers) require
      clean semantics
    • This enables meaningful consumption and interaction
Fancy person with monocle and a glass of wine
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Semantic HTML

Webdesign Elementary:

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Importance of semantics

  • Philosophy & Linguistics: The study of meanings
  • UI / Web Development
    • Refers to the meaning of UI elements
    • Meaningful structure of content
  • For example
    • "This is a heading"
    • "This is a heading of level 2"
    • "This is a text input"
  • Screen readers evaluate this info
    • They convey it to user (through audio)
    • This allows meaningful interaction with elements

Assistive devices

expose bad semantics!

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Collateral damage of missing semantics

  • Basic functionalities are missing or
    only limited available
    • Keyboard-only navigation impossible
    • Heading structures poor
    • Alternative texts of images are missing
    • Interactive elements (custom JavaScript
      components) inoperable
    • Etc.
  • <div> and <span> "soup"
    • "Spiced" with CSS
    • Flavor enhancers, no vitamins
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Common prejudices

The main cause is subsequent optimization!

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  • Accessibility is expensive.
  • Accessibility leads to unsatisfactory compromises.
  • Accessibility must be treated / added separately.
  • Accessibility makes life difficult for developers - and also users!

Antoni Gaudí!

Let's not blame

Wheelchair accessibility 1882

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Hardly a topic of public interest


From the very start:

Website implementation

  • Visual design (Figma)
  • Semantic prototype (HTML)
    • Information structure as HTML
    • Small additions with ARIA
    • Interactivity with JavaScript
  • Visual revision (CSS)
    • Step 1: Spatial positioning
    • Step 2: Aesthetics, decoration​
  • Example project: WOZ!
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Accessibility as a basic requirement

Demo WOZ project

On the green field...

Conclusion: Accessibility done right

  • Customer has taken over prototypes
    • Is impressed by meaningfulness,
      logical stringency and simplicity
    • aesthetics (CSS) on this basis can be easily
    • Good feeling to know that
      is already
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Accessibility from the start

Prejudices - debunked!

  • Accessibility is not expensive if considered from the beginning. Clean HTML structure pays off several times over!
  • Accessibility leads to clean and elegant solutions.
  • Accessibility is an integral part of a cleanly
    programmed website.
  • Accessibility makes life easier for
    both developers and users.

Accessibility from the start

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Best Practices: Development

  • Korrekte HTML-Container (<header>, <main>...)
  • Korrekte Überschriften-Struktur → H123
  • Korrekte Alternativtexte für Bilder
  • Einsatz barrierefreier Bibliotheken
    (z.B. Widgets)
  • Regelmässiges manuelles Testen
    • Mit Screenreadern (Desktop & Mobile)
    • Mit Tastatur-Only
  • Einsatz von automatisierbaren Test-Tools
    • Kann sinnvoll sein
    • Ersetzt aber niemals manuelles Testen
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Sauberes HTML, dann visuelle Fassade

Logo Accessibility Developer Guide AD G* Created with Sketch.

Accessibility Champions

  • Übergeordneter Champion (Accessibility Ambassador)
    • Generelle Verantwortung
    • Muss nicht unbedingt technisches Wissen haben
    • Am besten betroffene Person
  • Pro Bereich ein Champion
    • UX / Design
    • Entwicklung
    • Ggf. Inhalt
  • Unabdingbar: komplettes Team muss sich des Themas annehmen
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Accessibility Checkliste 2.0

  • Alle Erfolgskriterien der WCAG 2.1 kurz und prägnant
    • Verstehen-Text
      • Was? Warum / für wen?
      • Ausnahmen
      • Verwandte Themen / Kriterien
    • Verantwortlichkeiten
      • Design, Dev, Content...
    • Code-Beispiele
  • Checkliste: 111 Prüfpunkte
    • Prüfanleitung
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in MVPs

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  • Accessibility starts way before implementation phase
  • Do it right - right from the start!
  • Read our article:

Feedback & Diskussion

Besten Dank!

Logo Nothing AG
Portrait of Josua Muheim

Nothing AG
Technology experts in digital inclusion

Nothing's Kompetenzen & Angebote

  • Entwicklerinnen, Designer, UX- und
  • Wir arbeiten aktiv in Ihrem Projekt
    mit - direkt im Code!
  • Umsetzung / Begleitung von Projekten
  • Optimierung existierender Projekte
  • Schulung: Weitergabe unserer Skills

Technology experts in digital inclusion


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