The Quest for a
Searchable Multi
Select (combobox)

Logo Nothing AG

Wed, 30th of March 2022

Nothing AG, Berne

Before: Quest for date picker

  • ETH Zürich re-implementing many of their websites and
    web apps
    • Need to be fully accessible (keyboard, mobile / desktop
      screen readers)
  • Date picker libraries tested: 23
    • Main criterion: accessible, plus some Vue-specific
    • Accessible: ~7
      • Some rely on jQuery, Bootstrap...
      • Some not in usable shape (maintenance,
      • Winner: Duet Design System Date Picker

Quest for searchable multi select

  • Hard criteria:
    • All-in-one: single and multi select
    • Searchable
    • AJAX
  • Libraries tested: 25
    • Main criterion: accessible, plus some Vue-specific
    • Accessible: ~5
      • Some rely on jQuery, Bootstrap...
      • Some not in usable shape (maintenance,
      • None offering all hard criteria features


There is none :-(

Let's create one!

Thinking face
Logo Accessibility Developer Guide AD G* Created with Sketch.
  • Within a few weeks, please
  • Based on the ADG's autosuggest
  • But: what is special
    regarding ADG's
  • Why do they accomplish
    great accessibility, while
    most others don't?


let's have a look

Logo Accessibility Developer Guide AD G* Created with Sketch.

Current state

  • Proof of concept → Josua and Xaver
    • Tested by Gianfranco and Petra (A4A)
  • Widget implementation
    • As web component → Wayne
      • No shadow DOM
        • Easier to customise CSS, forms support
      • Using Stenciljs
        • Backwards compatibility down to IE 11


  • Single select feature → Wayne (?)
  • AJAX → Wayne (?)
  • Custom events → Wayne (?)
  • Multi-lang (and other configs) → Jürgen
  • Automated testing → Ramon
  • Name?
    • Repo: Widget vs. component
    • Widget: Select vs. dropdown vs. combobox vs. ...
  • Integrate into ADG
    • Replace existing autosuggest widget

Open discussion

  • Promote widget!
    • Blog articles, etc.
  • Awareness ADG → Miro
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