DESCRIBE SELECT `package__packages_pickup`.*, `package__unit_manager_units`.`title` as unit_title, `package__profiler`.`display_name`, `package__packages_pickup_courier`.`name` as courier_name
FROM (`package__packages_pickup`)
JOIN `package__profiler` ON `package__profiler`.`id_user` = `package__packages_pickup`.`id_user`
LEFT JOIN `package__unit_manager_units` ON `package__unit_manager_units`.`id` = `package__packages_pickup`.`id_unit`
JOIN `package__packages_pickup_courier` ON `package__packages_pickup_courier`.`id` = `package__packages_pickup`.`id_courier`
WHERE `id_status` = 2
ORDER BY `date_created` desc
ALTER TABLE yourtable ADD FULLTEXT ft_index_name (description);
//When querying
MATCH(description) AGAINST ('dogs')
php_value xdebug.remote_enable 1
php_flag xdebug.profiler_enable
php_value xdebug.remote_host #your ip
php_value xdebug.idekey "netbeans-xdebug"
php_value xdebug.profiler_output_dir /mnt/user_homes/Gustavo.Simon/httpdocs/cp/logs/profiler
foreach ($userList as $user) { //evil
$query = 'INSERT INTO users (first_name,last_name) VALUES("' . $user['first_name'] . '", "' . $user['last_name'] . '")'; mysql_query($query); }
$userData = array();
foreach ($userList as $user) { //good
$userData[] = '("' . $user['first_name'] . '", "' . $user['last_name'] . '")';
$query = 'INSERT INTO users (first_name,last_name) VALUES' . implode(',', $userData);
$description = strip_tags($_POST['description']);
echo $description;
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