Avishai Ish-Shalom (@nukemberg)
My Lawyer insists I put a disclaimer
A program is free software if the program's users have the four essential freedoms:
- Adapted from the GNU philosophy page
GPL licenses depend on strong Copyright protection
A very common question: If I use a GPL program to build a larger product, must the product be GPL too?
*Various "linking exceptions" may apply
This is known is "The SaaS loophole"
Effort to resolve "The SaaS loophole". Largely failed.
Example: MongoDB
AGPL forces users to release their modifications. But the copyright holder can dual release a commercial/proprietary version
Example: Microsoft Azure Cloud Switch
FOSS Crippleware: A FOSS software which cannot be used without proprietary components
Often served over CDN, blocking offline use
Example: Google Charts
Data->Learning -> Model -> Application
Example: Voice recognition