Venturing into Social
E-Commerce Platforms
From a researcher's perspective
Disclaimer: The following presentation is a very non-technical one
Doctoral Researcher, Web Developer, Founder, Designer, Blogger, Open-Source advocate and a proud first-time dad.
Without motivation and vision it is impossible to create something with value
As I said, research is important
-- by default
Fact 1 : Everybody is searching for something
Fact 2: Buying and selling should be fun, fast and easy
Amazon RDS + Cloudfront + S3
Python Worker
Cloud - PaaS
Increase productivity and shipping of code
Gamification, sign up forms, concurrency, messaging &
mailing, media management, threading, payments, ...
1. Secured
2. Easily Accessible
Piece of cake - think again!
3. Convenience
4. Scalable
I seriously mean it!
Always make a move with a strategy
1. Building your own libraries and making them public.
2. Participate on StackOverflow
3. Share, Document and Collaborate your findings.
Learn by teaching
1. Analytics
2. Scaling?
5. Machine Learning to improve categorization & recommendation
4. Improve content delivery and discovery (AI)
6. Crowdsourcing solutions
Once you've started, the possibilities are endless
The best part